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New Reqs and Associates Reborn.


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We have raised our requirements as promised, these will remain for a while but will most likely raise in the distant future. 





As reqs raise and we appreciate it is a grind to meet them and we know so many would love a chance to get involved within the clan and community and get a taste we have opened the Foe Associate Rank back for those who wish to get a foot in the door as you train to meet full member reqs.



Posted (edited)

Good stat requirements hopefully it'll encourage members that don't meet them to train there stats more it's not hard to achieve guys.

Edited by Motif

the grind begins for many




Many leaders started off as F/A's so take them under your wings and train em up.


Get your apps in ladies.


let the grind begin once again!

Posted (edited)

Well done, those are very quality standards to meet.

Edited by Foe Reflex
PvM Virus

hmm, i applied before the requirements got increased, i got to train now


Got 82 range last week now to 85...


Return option on combats should be waived if having a level of 90+... a 99 str with 50 attack and nothing else is pretty beast of a possibility. Lol, 57 woodcutting? is it necessary? :P Not to play devil's advocate, lmao.

I Meleed I




FA is back WOOOO!!!!!!


Loving the FA update. 


Giving opportunities to potential quality members, as quality doesn't always mean statistics.  :wink:


Hope to see many apply 

Posted (edited)

May re-app after I get the stats I want in the summer :<

Edited by Sess|Zetsutai

was fa back in the day =]


was fa back in the day =]

ya and now you've been senior member for 5years


cool fa is back like old timez


New reqs don't look to different tbh


Return option on combats should be waived if having a level of 90+... a 99 str with 50 attack and nothing else is pretty beast of a possibility. Lol, 57 woodcutting? is it necessary? :P Not to play devil's advocate, lmao.


If somebody has beast stats we would expect and want them to return to a fight just as quick if not quicker than sum1 with lower stats.


if they got 50 att 99 str then they got plenty of free training time to train 57 wc since it take no more than day


good changes :D


Easy stats, good to see you guys are making 1mil+ a req, annoying to see people die once and leave the event

FearMy Def

good decision, i applied as FA, once i was in it motivated me train harder


Fantastic, gives people that little extra push ;)

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