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RuneScape related MSPaint picture.

Undyin Pride

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is it a coincidence the parts that look bad happen to be the bow, firecape and spell? :\ other then those three points it looks pretty good, maybe texture the ground a bit more .

Also the perspective is skrewed, the tunnels at the top of the picture, making it look like an almost birds eye view, yet the people aren't seen from the top, but from the side, or is there a hill infront of her?

Also why is it blurred?

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is it a coincidence the parts that look bad happen to be the bow, firecape and spell? :\ other then those three points it looks pretty good, maybe texture the ground a bit more .

Also the perspective is skrewed, the tunnels at the top of the picture, making it look like an almost birds eye view, yet the people aren't seen from the top, but from the side, or is there a hill infront of her?

Also why is it blurred?

Because this wasn't meant to be a masterpeice...we Did it in 2 hours high as hell, I just thought it would be cool to see what people thought.

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So your telling me when your high you spend your time on MS Paint making pictures-.- That's pretty bad.

But it looks pretty nice, I can't do anything like it lol..

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