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Fire cape at 56 combat


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Sorry i forgot to go to screen so you can see combat when i killed jad but i got two pics:p

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Gage-Nz Bloods

nice i dced mine at wave 50


nice..sorry im having a lil trouble posting pics lol


You should really crop pictures before uploading them >.< but grats


Nice but Alex owns you.


also i don't think you did this one urself :whistle:


You didn't do that.

you paid somebody else to do it for you.


Not bad ,

Had mine at 58 cb.


how do you want me to prove i did it? lol..and i know alex owns me..i'm just proud i did it by myself without paying anybody


still don't believe you lol.


how do you want me to prove i did it? lol..and i know alex owns me..i'm just proud i did it by myself without paying anybody

Oh, so every pure types ' cape number 99' in the chat box? only people i know who do that are the people who sell fire capes to earn vouchs for more sales.


thats because before trade update i was a caper..i quit though cuz i just did it for runescape cash and dont want to bother with rl cash


by the way other pures that type that shit that are capers type their name don't they?


thats because before trade update i was a caper..i quit though cuz i just did it for runescape cash and dont want to bother with rl cash

Show us proof of you being a caper, or you didn't do it.

And, no they don't after likt the 5th cape on someone elses account its pretty obvious they're trust worthy.


sorry bro i just got into college and got a new laptop.. all my pics are on pc at home..if you want me to post pics of all the capes ive done when i get home i will but i cant do anything right now

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