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1 def or 20?


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just stay 1def untill you get the stats you want, and if you're pking and still do not like being a 1 def, then do natty spirit for 13 def for addy gloves, then get 20 def thru fremmy trials.


however, 20 def is not so hot with 60 atk, becuase ull hit 0s all day on low lvl beserker pures. 


i would perfer 1 def,


20 def = 99 atk 99 str 52 prayer 94 mage 99 range 99 hp to stand against 70 atk 90 str 45 def 94 mage zerks


in the long run its your choice. hope this helped.



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Posted (edited)



why the fuck would you ever want 20def ?? its 7cb lvls for what? to fight zerks that will wreck you?? i mean if you want a higher cb lvl get the attack lvls for a whip and you will combo the shit out of most people that have the same stats but lower attack in place of the 20def fails they are ok  you get some nice looking armour that has something like +2prayer over monk robes and you can get addy/rune? gloves if you quest it right but imo the cb lvls are a fucking waste if you want higher cb get a whip 


tldr; 20def is for shit kids you want higher cb get 70attack

 sorry I just want to fight people that risk, and if you cant kill a zerker then that person must fucking suck cause zerkers have a little of a advantage honestly are you fucking new to this game or some shit because you sound stupid as fuck.


lol? zerkers have little advantage im sorry rune/torso/veng/void/gloves/defenders


if you want cb levels get a whip overall the advantage of a whip is way better than 20 def the def levels do little to nothing and the gloves bonuses don't outweigh that of a whip + the attack lvls that will make you hit more often overall 


 1 def pures can kill voiders, rune is shit even 1 def pures have a advantaged to kill a full runeER, not even gonna waste my time to see the stat different from gloves/torso/ and defenders. and your ignoring the fact that you still have strength/HP levels over them.  

Edited by mofo best



Nah stay 1


1 ftw men

Its zeh noob

why the fuck would you ever want 20def ?? its 7cb lvls for what? to fight zerks that will wreck you?? i mean if you want a higher cb lvl get the attack lvls for a whip and you will combo the shit out of most people that have the same stats but lower attack in place of the 20def fails they are ok  you get some nice looking armour that has something like +2prayer over monk robes and you can get addy/rune? gloves if you quest it right but imo the cb lvls are a fucking waste if you want higher cb get a whip 


tldr; 20def is for shit kids you want higher cb get 70attack

 sorry I just want to fight people that risk, and if you cant kill a zerker then that person must fucking suck cause zerkers have a little of a advantage honestly are you fucking new to this game or some shit because you sound stupid as fuck.

lol? zerkers have little advantage im sorry rune/torso/veng/void/gloves/defenders


if you want cb levels get a whip overall the advantage of a whip is way better than 20 def the def levels do little to nothing and the gloves bonuses don't outweigh that of a whip + the attack lvls that will make you hit more often overall

 1 def pures can kill voiders, rune is shit even 1 def pures have a advantaged to kill a full runeER, not even gonna waste my time to see the stat different from gloves/torso/ and defenders. and your ignoring the fact that you still have strength/HP levels over them.

Voiders kan kill pures too. Rune is pretty good, zekers have a advantage to killing pures. Dont waste your time, you should know basics stat bonus. And you re ignoring the fact that the str level is about the same and no1 gives a fuck about hp levels.


20def 70att

ilx ace ilx

moved to q&a


stay 1. only get 20 if ur maxin with attack


Stay 1 , only go 20 if you wish to slay w/ 99 att str


1 defence, everytime


g0dsword y0

1 def 


1 defence, everytime


1 def ftw, no point getting those cb lvls, and at 20 def whip would prob be more efficent


mains will camp you at 20 def


I'd stay 1 defence, unless you only multi PK then 20 would be your best bet.


20 def in singles is shit but 20 def in multi is a huge advantage.


why would you even consider 20def lol


why the fuck would you ever want 20def ?? its 7cb lvls for what? to fight zerks that will wreck you?? i mean if you want a higher cb lvl get the attack lvls for a whip and you will combo the shit out of most people that have the same stats but lower attack in place of the 20def fails they are ok  you get some nice looking armour that has something like +2prayer over monk robes and you can get addy/rune? gloves if you quest it right but imo the cb lvls are a fucking waste if you want higher cb get a whip 


tldr; 20def is for shit kids you want higher cb get 70attack

Ya get the atk lvls, if you wanna fight zerks or mains, 20def is ok if your rich

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