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What do i do w/ my account?


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Posted (edited)

So ye what do i do now ?!


Currently i've got these stats ( 2 def pisses me off , not even done by myself.. )




What do i do , e.g : get 20 def & WHIP or just whip for now or stay 2 def?


I do NOT enjoy pking (1v1), i just play to gain some ''levels'' and achieve certain goals...


At the moment i'm completely bored , feel like making a new acc with 1 defence...



note ; Had 20 defence quite a few times in the past , it sucks tbh.. im just bored to death atm


-- I think i've just lost interest in scape atm



Edited by Marc

94 mage before taking any more steps


94 mage before taking any more steps

Would need more mills for that atm , cursing taking way to long

Posted (edited)

Stay 1 def, you'll quickly learn that 20 def is shit for clanning. You'll start to get sniped by mains when they come inevitably also return sets are about 400% more expensive.

For stats just get mage up then range, your str is fine for now.

Edited by Sean``

20 def and addy gloves


94 Mage would be nice.


dw about 2 defence, many ppl in foe and the pure community are 2. don't bother with 20 defence imo.


work on 94 mage if u got the cash is my advise.


First off attend trips! 


Havnt seen you around really... but obv get yourself 94 mage and get your range a bit higher.


Stay 1 def, you'll quickly learn that 20 def is shit for clanning. You'll start to get sniped by mains when they come inevitably also return sets are about 400% more expensive.

For stats just get mage up then range, your str is fine for now.

I know 20 def is , i've lost interest in clanning quite a bit tho ..


And ye 20 def actually is shit overall , 1 def > ALL , but 2 def looks horrible especially cause somebody else got it on my acc while he was staking


dw about 2 defence, many ppl in foe and the pure community are 2. don't bother with 20 defence imo.


work on 94 mage if u got the cash is my advise.

 Iknow mate , but 2 defence is horrible tho , turned few accs into 20 def + or quit them due to 2 def..


And ye 94 mage needs some cash




First off attend trips! 


Havnt seen you around really... but obv get yourself 94 mage and get your range a bit higher.

Not many weekends that i'm actually home to scape , iknow am slacking :) Trying for the midweeks atm


Would stay 2 defence, most pures get 2 by mistake anyway.

As others said, work on that mage :P



94 mage before taking any more steps


Never understood why people go 20-45 def when they get 2? Yeah it looks shit but really isn't that much difference.. only benefit of 20 is addy gloves, mystic and defender prob. f dat shit

Str in sara1

sell it


How long you been 2 def?


Stay 2 def and get 94 mage cursing, it is long but its well worth it!


get mage and range than focus on strength:)


sell it

 Like anyone would buy it , it's hard to sell an account for gp ..




Stay 2 def and get 94 mage cursing, it is long but its well worth it!

Will try mate , will pm u later cause i cant curse atm ukr


get your mage up, burst isn't going to cut it

ilx ace ilx

moving this to rs q&a forums.

Posted (edited)

since you're bored, maybe try skilling?  


i know some people find great pleasure in waking up in the morning and playing on a sexy acc.

Edited by Ashley
i tauntz i

sell the account and go play some irl if you're bored of scape no point forcing yourself to play something you don't enjoy


sell the account and go play some irl if you're bored of scape no point forcing yourself to play something you don't enjoy

Ye i maybe would and probably start all over again later on , but selling an account is quite hard tho


Bro, im 3 defence, dont ruin the acc, 2 def is just a little flaw. I still have sick pking vids, and im still attending trips like before, everything stayed the same. Do not worry too much jsut sit back and enjoy the pking m8

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