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What do you miss the most........ :'(


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i miss d claws not because i used them but it was so easy smiting out noobs for them.


My yak, rigour pure , and my chaotics!


Stupid newfags. Really just hate to see that shit. Chaotics? Turmoil? Your shit ruined the game, you have your own version to go play! Stay off of mine. 
How about a legitimate answer... Rares? I miss rares. I miss double msb specs. I miss when people didn't know tabs were faster than teleports. I miss when only the most active PKers knew what the fuck what a karambwan or choco-bomb was. I miss when people didn't realize strength bonus increased max hit. I miss when returning was a skill. I miss when TS wasn't necessary. I miss when spies weren't used, and most of all, I miss when people actually stayed to death if they fought a respectable player, mainly because honor meant something in 2006. 


I think your asking what I miss from pre-EoC. Prob being 99 Range/94 Mage at level 66. Highlight of Low Bridd's career. '11-12


I have no idea why all the kids in Pre EoC were on the 06 bandwagon, the best point in RS time was 2010 - 2011.


I don't give a fuck if there was D claw rushers, that was what prayer was for.


I don't give a fuck if there was gano prods that's what rag range was for.


I don't give a fuck about prod gear and weapons, what will we do after we've gotten 100 whips? there will be nothing to spend our money on. 

li oo0oo il

Morrigans javs, axes, sagaies & bolas available at the duel arena.


chaotics,turm,bridding (much better in 2011)


Turm chaotics clan wars


Overloads spec restores hybriding




my titan turm kiln and choatics

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