ilx ace ilx Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 Please, I would appreciate it, if you took the time and effort to read this topic as I have done the same in creating this topic and content as well. I am very confident in this, and I hope I can have the pleasure and honor of working with you. The Current Arrangement of Guest Boards ->[FOE] Final Ownage Elite Clan Discussions and Archives --->Clan Discussions ----->A ton of Archive forums (im not gonna list them all) ->Guest Boards --->RS General Chat -----> RS Q & A --->Public Guides --->Player Killing (PvP) ---> Goals & Achievements --->GFX, Media, & Art ----->SIgnature of the Month ----->GFX Apps ----->GFX Resources ----->GFX Gallery --->Public Marketplace --->Report Bugs --->Off Topic ----->League of Legends ----->Debate ----->Music ----->Fitness & Health ----->Sport ->Clan Allies --->Clan Allies Chat --->Allies Applications [OPEN] --------------- So basically, if YOU have felt that forums are hard to navigate, user-unfriendly, slow loading time, dead forums, dead topics, spam topics, or even felt that they are too big and too much of your time is wasted on scrolling around to get to the topics YOU want. And the List goes on. Then this is the topic made just for you! Ultimately, my plan is to make forums much smoother and better display/orientation/arrangement and to FULLY optimize each and EVERY forums usage. To accomplish such a feat, some things that will be required are change, yes, you heard me, change (now, now, now dont fret, because it will be good in the long run, I will see to it that it is) -------------- Below is what I am proposing for the changes: Seperate Archives with Clan Discussion, have Archives be a FEATURE by itself, we are proud of our archives which is full of rich history of our past so I really feel and see the need to have this come and be a standalone category. If you feel this doesnt makes sense, perhaps we can even place it with [FOE] FINAL OWNAGE ELITE - THE BEST PURE CLAN forum in order to have them as a category together. Now since Clan Discussions is seperated , I would like to have Clan Allies Section come into here, so this will be renamed to Clan Discussions and Allies. Why? Because this will not only bring up the possible revival of the ally boards which is more often than not neglected due to its position on the forum. With these two combined, thats one LESS scroll to do, one LESS category, and FASTER loading. These two could easily and make sense to put them as one. Next, the topic: This Board ****ing Fails which I believe many are and is very fond of. I would say, take it out and make it a section of its own, it would not only allow others to see what topics are being written and posted in Clan Allies Chat but also FEATURE this individual topic for its miraculous survival and continuation of its stupidity (in a good way ofc). And time for the main course: Guest Boards I want to gather YOUR input (in your replies below of course) about whether or not to keep some of the forums for they are pretty much just dead or just ignored. And with the possibility of making them into subforum (as a last resort of course, but it covers alot of what the main forums topics are and subforums may not always be the best solution). First off, and foremost, WHAT and WHERE is the forums rules for these boards? Where is the official one? I believe we should have just a standardized one that will apply to ALL Boards in the Guest Section. If we already have one which I would think we do, I think we either need a topic of such in each and every guest forum as a reminder to all guests and members who are using these forums. Then for Individual Forums RS General Chat - Continuing on from the Forum rule topic. Anything that does not fall under any other guest boards wil be here. RS Q&A - do not wish to see any Q&A in any other boards, Public Guide - Basic guideline to making a guide? only want to see guides in here. And topics in here needs to be updated. Player Killing (PvP) - no nh, only player kills in here. no downgrading any other players, Goals & Achievements - nothing besides your goals with achievements! all outdated topics needs to be closed. GFX Media and Art - the only forum that is alive in here is Signature of the Month, what to do with other boards? necessary? no longer necessary? you tell me please because it seems that people do not even care for the boards apart from the Sig of the Month Board. Or we really need some users to help manage and look after these boards. Public Marketplace - half the topics are selling rsgp, pins, and whatnot...need some management here.. Report Bugs - VERY IMPORTANT board, all bugs, disabled, and/or little things you notice on the boards MUST go in here! and notify us ASAP! Off Topic - should this be a standalone category? alot of outdated topics/pinned topics, spam, and such in here too.. ----------- So All in All The ending result of what I feel is appropriate for all the Guest Section Forums and Categories will be something like this: The Aftermath of the arrangement: ->[FOE] Archives --->A ton of Archive forums (im not gonna list them all) OR ->[FOE] About US ---> [FOE] FINAL OWNAGE ELITE - THE BEST PURE CLAN ---> [FOE] ARCHIVES ->Clanning, Pking, and Allies --->Clan Discussions --->Player Killings (PvP) --->Clan Allies Chat --->Allies Applications [OPEN] ->Guest Boards --->RS General Chat --->RS Q & A - could be removed.? --->Report Bugs --->Public Guides ---> Goals & Achievements --->Public Marketplace - could be removed.? ->GFX, Media, & Art --->Signature of the Month --->GFX Apps --->GFX Resources - May be combined and/or merged with GFX gallery? all the forum I think was really intended for was just a place where people can find stuff regarding sigs/images and galleries also do that, so they could pretty much be the same board. ->Off Topic --->League of Legends --->Debate --->Music --->Fitness & Health - pretty much just the same as the sports forum? could be combined as one? --->Sport - merged as one with the above.? ->Epic --->This Board ***ing Fails Now its your turn, please only reply with replies that some thoughts put into it. And if you dont care either way, then you dont have to worry regardless of how the forums are arranged and/or managed and/or displayed right? ;) Thanks all! -ilx ace ilx
Dizzy Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 (edited) 1nd Youve done a perfect job for the most part. The only thing I'd disagree with and ask you to change is that League of legends stays under other games, its not really off topic when half of the clan plays that game. This Board fing fails deserves its on section, good job with that. I usually use new content to browse forums but If i try to find a topic you made it easy. One suggestion is that we have a homepage with a nice animation and big pictures like the runescape homepage had before you enter the site. Thanks ace Also add in moderating powers form guest and off topic boards for moderator plus if u have the time ;) Edited May 28, 2013 by Dìzzy
N0 S0UL Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 I support I actually do get tired of scrolling down tbh
Hilarious Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 I agree with rs Q & A being removed, seems pretty dead. Public market place is usually just approved RSGP sellers or w/e you wanna call it. Which could just go in general discussion maybe?
Anthony Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 Keep TBFF alone, other then that i don't give 2 shits about what you do
ilx ace ilx Posted May 28, 2013 Author Posted May 28, 2013 Keep TBFF alone, other then that i don't give 2 shits about what you do read what i said about that in there bro.
ilx ace ilx Posted May 28, 2013 Author Posted May 28, 2013 tldr, just leave them as they are. ur loss, it will help tremendously with forum traffic, activeness, etc though plus, its not like youre gonna be the one doing the changes, you wont have to do any work. this topic i made so there will be feedback, whether its +ve or -ve, it doesnt matter, we will always strive for perfection.
Sefket Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 I don't know why League of Legends has its own forums. Should be put in "Gaming".
ilx ace ilx Posted May 28, 2013 Author Posted May 28, 2013 I don't know why League of Legends has its own forums. Should be put in "Gaming". there is no gaming section sefket, and the only game thats pretty much there is league i what dizzy said.
ilx ace ilx Posted May 28, 2013 Author Posted May 28, 2013 tldr, just leave them as they are. same reply as the one i did with lucifer.
Anthony Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 Keep TBFF alone, other then that i don't give 2 shits about what you do read what i said about that in there bro. i also don't wanna see it be open to the public, that board is the only reason i still visit these forums and if it gets flooded by the cancer that is known as forums guests (i.e. tj and other retards) im sure a few others will no longer visit
Co0kiezs Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 Get Rid Of: Put Voting Polls under Clan Announcement or Leadership OR Member Boards, doesnt really matter. Those two sections are basically useless and retarded. They are dead and nothing interesting on them. Make this its own forum and add a category for PRE-EOC Topics. Pin all the Important trips etc. Keep clan allies section for themselves. Add a member legend my opinion
Veta Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 1. Make it simple and clean. 2. Promote Veta to moderator
ilx ace ilx Posted May 28, 2013 Author Posted May 28, 2013 souunds good any ideas? suggestions? advice? something that could be done? flaws on what I have written there? 1. Make it simple and clean. 2. Promote Veta to moderator xd veta, if only we had 3 boards on our entire forums eh? :p what i hope to accomplish by doing this is to make it easily accessible (the forums, topics you want, things you want to read), and with good categorization and display/presentation of the forums (starting with the guest section) i know we can achieve this, together!
Logic Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 I support I actually do get tired of scrolling down tbh yeah same
BlizzleXX Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 souunds good any ideas? suggestions? advice? something that could be done? flaws on what I have written there? Maybe like a computer help section or like programming shit like that how to fix problems etc, maybe seperate the pk in two different groups pk screenshots and videos
Sean`` Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 (edited) The forums are only bad for you because you have access to every board. For guests their fine. For members their fine. I'd really appreciate it if you fixed things like mod powers first because I still can't mod certain boards and don't have all the powers we used to. Free Jamie, Sefket, Sean. #CutForMods Edit: Rs General Chat Rs Q & A Public Guides These could be put into one section. Everything else fits seperately. Edited May 28, 2013 by Sean``
Jon Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 I think you should allow clan allies and Old school community to be able to see the black market in member boards. Not only could we find out the services offered in there, we could take advantage of them allowing us to achieve reqs to rejoin or just put some money back into FOE. You might have to be a bit more selective on who you give clan ally, but not too sure how it would hinder anyone. People offering services will have more customers as well.
ilx ace ilx Posted May 28, 2013 Author Posted May 28, 2013 (edited) The forums are only bad for you because you have access to every board. For guests their fine. For members their fine. I'd really appreciate it if you fixed things like mod powers first because I still can't mod certain boards and don't have all the powers we used to. Free Jamie, Sefket, Sean. #CutForMods Edit: Rs General Chat Rs Q & A Public Guides These could be put into one section. Everything else fits seperately. Sean, this is about just the guest forums, regardless of how many boards one can see. the other boards can come later. Edited May 28, 2013 by ilx ace ilx
ilx ace ilx Posted May 29, 2013 Author Posted May 29, 2013 I think you should allow clan allies and Old school community to be able to see the black market in member boards. Not only could we find out the services offered in there, we could take advantage of them allowing us to achieve reqs to rejoin or just put some money back into FOE. You might have to be a bit more selective on who you give clan ally, but not too sure how it would hinder anyone. People offering services will have more customers as well. wasnt aware there was a blackmarket in members boards, but good idea, perhaps we should have one just for pins and whatever (restricted for MEMBERS only tho!) :O tho its kind of against me..selling pins and whatnot. duno, we'll see where this goes ---- Guest Sections FIRST! because its also what passing by people sees first!! a good impression is an everlasting impression-
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