Maining Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 i only rly use the goals & achievement section but il give my share: first off the foe archive section is a good idea then for the Q&a just remove it and if needed can make a pinned topic in the guide section for this the public marketplace, just remove it or make a rule of no rwt (cuz srsly 80% of the topics is selling gp,pins etc.. <- (could make a member board section for this) yes the off-topic needs to be its own section as it has nothing to do with rs etc be good for ppl who dont play anymore to chill i gues and in general: do u mean to just close old topics or also delete them? cuz i personally like looking up old topics i made ages ago (i gues other ppl do aswel) but if it speeds forums up by alot idm i gues
Veta Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 souunds good any ideas? suggestions? advice? something that could be done? flaws on what I have written there? 1. Make it simple and clean. 2. Promote Veta to moderator xd veta, if only we had 3 boards on our entire forums eh? :p what i hope to accomplish by doing this is to make it easily accessible (the forums, topics you want, things you want to read), and with good categorization and display/presentation of the forums (starting with the guest section) i know we can achieve this, together! Hmm, i think that if we replaced the off topic section with a real life section and public section(open to rs/anything) it would make our forums easier to navigate and users would be able to reach their desired interests.
Nory Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 Good idea overall, it does seem untidy/unorganised now that I look at it. Archives - definitely need an official category/forum for it. Putting clan allies and clan discussions under one another - definitely. Guests- I think we do need one of those pinned topics, if you will, about the rules in each guest forum. The RS Q&A I think, should be removed. It only divides people from RS general chat. GfX - REALLY support the idea, too many subforums for a forum that lacks activity. Offtopic - Definitely merge sports/ health and fitness. ------ Overall, forums are an important factor for the clan and tbh getting them as active as MM's would be awesome - baby steps
Illuminess Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 The board looks fine as it is, but I do agree about the Market place, all it gets used for it selling accounts and rsgp lol :P 1
Marc Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 Support your topic and the new order of the forums as you stated them
ilx ace ilx Posted May 29, 2013 Author Posted May 29, 2013 Support your topic and the new order of the forums as you stated them All comments and replies that are posted in here will be taken into account of course. (such as gfx forums lack activity, marketplace, q&a, clan ally/clan discussion are just some of the advice/suggestions that were put out there to improve what I have started) The first post of mine there with the ideas are just preliminary, once this topic is more or less saturated, I can go ahead to make another more Official Topic about what the boards will look like - the end result, And immediately after that, we can get this underway.
Sean`` Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 Before you change anything to the clan ally board I suggest you ask them. Theirs a select group of people who use it and they only use that board really.
ilx ace ilx Posted May 30, 2013 Author Posted May 30, 2013 Before you change anything to the clan ally board I suggest you ask them. Theirs a select group of people who use it and they only use that board really. The only topic that is really used right now is the spam topic xd which is completely fine and a good reason to move it out and be by itself, and then perhaps allies would be more attracted to posting there because it will not be covered by the that topic any longer ;) Hope that helps, If any, find me on irc or drop me a pm please :)
Luke Posted May 30, 2013 Posted May 30, 2013 Seperate Archives with Clan Discussion, have Archives be a FEATURE by itself, we are proud of our archives which is full of rich history of our past so I really feel and see the need to have this come and be a standalone category. If you feel this doesnt makes sense, perhaps we can even place it with [FOE] FINAL OWNAGE ELITE - THE BEST PURE CLAN forum in order to have them as a category together. I like the idea of a general archive forum encompassing everything, seems aesthetically pleasing. Now since Clan Discussions is seperated , I would like to have Clan Allies Section come into here, so this will be renamed to Clan Discussions and Allies. Why? Because this will not only bring up the possible revival of the ally boards which is more often than not neglected due to its position on the forum. With these two combined, thats one LESS scroll to do, one LESS category, and FASTER loading. These two could easily and make sense to put them as one. Have no qualms with any of this. Next, the topic: This Board ****ing Fails which I believe many are and is very fond of. I would say, take it out and make it a section of its own, it would not only allow others to see what topics are being written and posted in Clan Allies Chat but also FEATURE this individual topic for its miraculous survival and continuation of its stupidity (in a good way ofc). Yes, never let it die or riots shall be had across varrock. And time for the main course: First off, and foremost, WHAT and WHERE is the forums rules for these boards? Where is the official one? I believe we should have just a standardized one that will apply to ALL Boards in the Guest Section. If we already have one which I would think we do, I think we either need a topic of such in each and every guest forum as a reminder to all guests and members who are using these forums. Well, I'm fine with that. I think it would be a good idea to have a discussion in the council forums about what the rules would consist of, and take input in a number of ways. I say councils because those with mod powers would be responsible for upholding the rules we put down for it. Then for Individual Forums RS General Chat - Continuing on from the Forum rule topic. Anything that does not fall under any other guest boards wil be here. Okie RS Q&A - do not wish to see any Q&A in any other boards, ...Okay Public Guide - Basic guideline to making a guide? only want to see guides in here. And topics in here needs to be updated. Easy enough Player Killing (PvP) - no nh, only player kills in here. no downgrading any other players, No NH? By our honor code, or? Because teleporting is allowed.. Goals & Achievements - nothing besides your goals with achievements! all outdated topics needs to be closed. When is a topic outdated? Would mods be responsible for closing them? GFX Media and Art - the only forum that is alive in here is Signature of the Month, what to do with other boards? necessary? no longer necessary? you tell me please because it seems that people do not even care for the boards apart from the Sig of the Month Board. Or we really need some users to help manage and look after these boards. Haven't had GFX overlords and active GFX artists in years, it may be outdated. I have barely been in there, I'm curious if anyone else responds differently. Public Marketplace - half the topics are selling rsgp, pins, and whatnot...need some management here.. Should definitely clarify rules on this, and who is and isn't allowed to do what, and then adhere to those rules. Report Bugs - VERY IMPORTANT board, all bugs, disabled, and/or little things you notice on the boards MUST go in here! and notify us ASAP! TBH we should just have a button on forums that eveyr time we press makes an annoying noise on Sefket's computer until he fixes it. Would save a lot of time and pretty funny. Off Topic - should this be a standalone category? alot of outdated topics/pinned topics, spam, and such in here too.. Off topic has always been a cornerstone of forums.. A place people can talk to each other about shit outside the realm of runescape. A much-needed fresh breath of air.
ilx ace ilx Posted May 31, 2013 Author Posted May 31, 2013 Yea luke, some of the stuff u quote has been adjusted and/or improvement since then, and some of the stuff I am reading myself now do indeed need to be different lol I will finialize this topic again touching base with all comments/thoughts/ideas and then we can see if theres anything else before actually going to do this. Thanks to all who has replied to this! Its not too late for your input however!!!
Dave (Cha0s) Posted May 31, 2013 Posted May 31, 2013 (edited) From the amount of repies, people arent really arsed with having the changes. Edited May 31, 2013 by Dave (Cha0s)
R 4 P 1 D Z Posted May 31, 2013 Posted May 31, 2013 From the amount of repies, people arent really arsed with having the changes. well said even though i do like to see u making the effort ace =d
Soak Posted May 31, 2013 Posted May 31, 2013 Keep TBFF alone, other then that i don't give 2 shits about what you do I like your ideas just keep it up
ilx ace ilx Posted June 1, 2013 Author Posted June 1, 2013 Keep TBFF alone, other then that i don't give 2 shits about what you do I like your ideas just keep it up From the amount of repies, people arent really arsed with having the changes. well said even though i do like to see u making the effort ace =d From the amount of repies, people arent really arsed with having the changes. So i guess people wouldnt really mind if I go ahead with what Im going to do then ;D It was great to have this topic discussion, so we can do a better job together ;P And of course, all the replies that were done in here will be taken into account, I will make another more finialized version of this tonite. Then finally we can get underway!! ^^ Im aiming for sun/mon to get all this done :O If youve any further questions, please PM me on forums/irc(if im not offline)
Luke Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 Ace, if you're actually willing to take the initiative on something that needs doing, I say jump balls-deep into it. You can make a topic, and you'll get a bunch of mostly indifferent replies. IMO fact you're willing to actually put in the effort validates you as being in a position to make the decisions.
ilx ace ilx Posted June 2, 2013 Author Posted June 2, 2013 Will be making a finialized version of this with all your inputs consolidated into it sometime today when I get the chance to (am going to bed now xD) thank you to all who helped with your feedbacks in this!!! Again, if you are one of those who dont care right now but changes their mind later or simply just missed their chance for an input, dont fret, cuz there will be one more chance before this is underway (to ensure the best and most appropriate and pleasing and joyful transition towards everybody as possible) thank you all! ^^
ilx ace ilx Posted June 6, 2013 Author Posted June 6, 2013 working on this now, expect another topic up soon with all comments on improvements/mistakes/better ideas all included in that. thanks all.
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