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Call me crazy or gullible but...


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Posted (edited)

Recently I've been watching a lot of mermaid videos and actually starting to question if they're real. I actually found some interesting videos that COULD be fake but not might be. Seeing as you cant trust any video footage now days as it is easily edited.


Here are some of the vids i found 







what do you guys think ?

Edited by Jono

I watched the first video yesterday and thought it was just bullshit, and second video doesn't work :o


I watched the first video yesterday and thought it was just bullshit, and second video doesn't work :o


the second video is a documentary, I watched it in school when I had the time and in the documentary they found remains of an unidentified marine which was said to be the mermaids tail and it looked exactly the same as the one in the first video


l00000l so fake 


thats ..........just...................fucked.................


I don't think that first video is real, Although, maybe they do exist we just don't know it/have the technology to find them/see them like aliens :p


The humankind hsa only explored 5% of the ocean, 95% left, you'll never know.


a part of me wants to believe this and a part of me don't believe in any of this. 


apparently we know more about space than the ocean


first video the water doesn't even splash as the mermaid enters


Watched 3rd video, no video camera goes all shitty like that


Looks just fully edited


this shit crazy...


thats what i call this:

Ready Ok FOE

1st video is retarded because they dont zoom in (fake)

2nd video is cba to watch

3rd video is fake as hell lmfao you can actually see how they edited the fps


apparently we know more about space than the ocean

So true, and alot of the ocean is unexplored... but mermaids.. I dont think they do


yes mermaids are real


The humankind hsa only explored 5% of the ocean, 95% left, you'll never know.

i tauntz i

apparently we know more about space than the ocean

tbh i can see why people would say that but since space is never ending i think its bullshit tbh



apparently we know more about space than the ocean

tbh i can see why people would say that but since space is never ending i think its bullshit tbh


Earth is 70% water we've barely explored any of it and have more satellites monitoring space than the ocean. It's a lot harder to do due to pressure as you get deeper, they've probably mapped the moon more accurately than the ocean floor.


Their Real


Vampires are real

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