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Runescape Hackers


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Posted (edited)

I have recently been hacked for the first time in a few years.... I don't share my account and no one knows my pin.  My computer is not infected by a virus either.  I was hacked 25M+ and given 1-4 defence also firecape was dropped.  I just want to say to all hackers out there if you hack some ones account you hack for items or cash,YOU DO NOT TRAIN DEFENSE TO PURPOSELY RUIN THEIR ACCOUNT AND DROP HARD EARNED ITEMS.  If you take a persons cash so be it, atleast they can rebuild.  When you ruin their account they can't recover and valuable items dropped our hours to get back.  Opportunity costs of gaining items and new levels since defence levels have been raised include > time spent with family, friends, work and fucking chilling smoking a blunt or some shit.  AND IF YOU FUCKING ARE GOING TO HACK ATLEAST HACK WITH 'RESPECT' TO THE PLAYER YOU ARE HACKING.  I am in no means encouraging hacking but I am encouraging the 'ETHICS' in hackers these days....


I'm not mad at all to the fact I lost 25M it's just cash, this shit happens a lot.  I am slightly agitated due to the fact he dropped items and trained defence.  So since I was able to get his IP **.**.**.**, I decided to do a bit of research.... Turns out he lives 10 minutes up the street from me..















So with his adress and knowing what his house looks like and seeing how he has such a nice lovely wall.. 
I am going to do this! camp out side this cunts house and beat the fuck out of him but before I do... I want to spray paint in red something on this cunts wall.....
This is were you guys come in... Leave some comments of what i should spray and with in two weeks I'll have a picture  enjoy your day guys 
Before leaving comments of saying it could be a bot net and such or what ever the fuck your trying to say about this ip not being his I have thoroughly confirmed this is the IP I am after...
Edited by Uaex V Jad

show us pics of the spray paint :)

R 4 P 1 D Z

haha paybacks a bitch

Pixel Pigeon

You know you've done a shit job tracing the IP when the ISP host is in NSW, yet you have an address from Victoria.




Ffs amatures.

Posted (edited)

Lmfaoooo u about to get the drop on him? Rofllll Fuck spray paint fuck him up

Edited by N0 S0UL


i tauntz i

just saying he could have used a vpn.. and a pointless topic tbh


just saying he could have used a vpn.. and a pointless topic tbh

I love u tauntz


Kick him in the balls for me aswell  :smile:



just saying he could have used a vpn.. and a pointless topic tbh

I love u tauntz


Posted (edited)



just saying he could have used a vpn.. and a pointless topic tbh

I love u tauntz



I know that I made sure this was his real ip his vpn was in texas or some where the hick cunt. the moral of this thread was not payback, it was that hackers should be ethical and not ruin accounts and drop items people work hard for. just take the cash and boot

Edited by Barchy

Just remember your actions will have consequences (both you and the hacker).

Uaex V Jad

Dont post real adresses/ip adresses of people without their approval.


Im sorry for your loss, but this is against our rules.


brick the fuckers window


Dont post real adresses/ip adresses of people without their approval.


Im sorry for your loss, but this is against our rules.

yeah hold on ill remove adress and such now


no pic no proof lol



i agree with you. no hacker gains anything from making def on an account or dropping untradables. 











they are from mm (:


honour* not ethics i think you mean, ethical hacking isn't this lol


now you've got his address you can fuck with him in many ways, for example order a dildo to his mother for christmas


Errm, dude that's the whole point.

Why just take something when you can ruin everything. In the mortal words of Alfred



o I live in Melbourne friend

Str in sara1

you are now and forever will be my hero if u actually do this and take pictures!@!


o I live in Melbourne friend

call all da booiiisssss


Endddddd himm

I Pk 4 Usa

Just remember your actions will have consequences (both you and the hacker).

This is true.

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