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X3rangax3 Pk Video II


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Mainly SS pking, with DDS specs and SS specs. Pretty good specs tbh. Mix of xbow and other stuff in their. Gmaul high dbolt hits etc.

Mainly edge, some drags.

constructive critiscm pls.

rate/comment/sub :D


I like your Ss, D bolt, and D bow specs, and music, nice job man.


I like your Ss, D bolt, and D bow specs, and music, nice job man.

ty :D

Much better than last one

I liked a lot actually ;)

Haha I was on bar for that lucky 50 hit


Sorry didnt like it

Hated the music, i cant stand screamo/emo shit but thats just my taste it makes me want to slam a 10 inch nail through my penis.

The majority of koes were medioka which made the really good ones jus seem i dunno.. like blahhhhhh

and the editting seemed just.. effortless :S i dont see a reason to go half way on editting either windows movie maker it and be all about the clips or put a bit more effort it and have a decently editted vid.

Sorry just my view =[


i liked it mostly, i had to use my own music though. i liked all the high hit kills and very good loot  :victory:

would like to see some mage in next video though.


Enjoyed the video, on mute though.


it's decent, some of the effects were not needed, like the flashing and stuff, but it was okay.



pretty good. could have used some work on editing, but alright.

  • 2 weeks later...

thanks guys haha. I'm not great at editing by i try i guess =\.


eh it was ok i got bored after the clips after like 5 mins


clips wre good but wasnt a fan of the music at all.

Also i didnt like how it zoomed in and out every clip, and none of the editing was to the music.

Imo it was still a good vid. keep it up.


Enjoyed the video, on mute though.

Same as this :D


Sorry didnt like it

Hated the music, i cant stand screamo/emo shit but thats just my taste it makes me want to slam a 10 inch nail through my penis.

The majority of koes were medioka which made the really good ones jus seem i dunno.. like blahhhhhh

and the editting seemed just.. effortless :S i dont see a reason to go half way on editting either windows movie maker it and be all about the clips or put a bit more effort it and have a decently editted vid.

Sorry just my view =[

I agree with the music part. The pking was good though.


was gd pking, altho it got a bit repetitive and i had 2 mute it but every1s got their own taste in music



Average vid.  ^_^


Could Improve on the Quality a bit, but nonetheless, it was a decent vid.


Could Improve on the Quality a bit, but nonetheless, it was a decent vid.

Yeah. the music and video wasn't synced 100% it was about 2 seconds off. But for my 3rd vid i figured out how to fix this and vid 3 will be in HD


I dind't like it

THe music was shit tbh



I dind't like it

THe music was shit tbh

I use music that i personally like. if you don't like it, don't listen to it and mute it.

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