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Duel arena.

Goe Gekakt

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Goe Gekakt

i see some guys using the slayerbell to get first hit to kinda glitch run, but i see a few people using this red shit comming out of a cup they put it on the ground and then something whites come out and they just tele from the one side to the other side what is it please?


Str in sara1

couldnt tell ya




No idea, i keep away from that place

Goe Gekakt

does on of you know what it is?$

Posted (edited)

idk dont stake  much because when i do i allways go up alot then lose it all.

Edited by Graffiix

I use bell and have not seen ppl use it.


send me a link of a video where it is used

Posted (edited)

I can tell u for payment :pp feel free to pm wont post here

Edited by 33th
Goe Gekakt



dark african evil magic. stay away from it. you might turn into a slave

Goe Gekakt

how do i get it?


U have to go fight at magebank and click ALT+F4. Then a gyspy will appear and give you a secret coctail. You drink that coctail and talk to Dearo from Monkey Madness. He will give you a magic peanut which will help you at staking.

Goe Gekakt

ha ha.


combo jij bent echt zo grappig :)


U have to go fight at magebank and click ALT+F4. Then a gyspy will appear and give you a secret coctail. You drink that coctail and talk to Dearo from Monkey Madness. He will give you a magic peanut which will help you at staking.



you were being serious when you meant small picture............wow

li oo0oo il

Wondering why there is so much hype about those movement stalls, its from some quest cant rem name, stall isnt that useful rly lol.


Bell is gone </3


No idea i have seen it one time before

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