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Some decent updates


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  1. 6th June 2013 toggle_template-08114422.gif
    • The text-wrapping in the chatbox will now put names on the correct line more reliably.
    • When you are typing a long chat message, the chatbox will now endeavour to show the end of the text.
    • The mining animation has been updated to make it play an appropriate sound effect.
    • The molanisk bell will no longer interfere with your walk animation in the Duel Arena.
    • The in-game world-switcher interface will now indicate the recommended activities for each world.


Good thing you cant use slayer bell anymore, means pid/ip will count for more.


Also, thank god for adding the recommended activities, will make pking so much better (forever trying to login to w2)!


Dont think this has been posted, what do you guys think?

Posted (edited)

gf bell omg

time to stop staking  iguess

Edited by 33th

i just read this on the runescape website and ye pretty happy with the patches, especially with the worlds having the activities, it has took them long enough!

Posted (edited)

Cool i like the new world switcher thing so people will atually start doing the activities, hopefully they added a pking world I havnt looked yet

Edited by 1 Item

nice but i still wish that they would get the cc thing sorted out. 

i tauntz i

bell thing is kinda gay can take the piss getting a good pid lol


there is still the sea slug animation, better than the slayer bell.
Want them to update the clanchat, also the clicking is still bad ingame


hmm never used bell anyways


Cool i like the new world switcher thing so people will atually start doing the activities, hopefully they added a pking world I havnt looked yet



Yeah good updates 


but where is autojoin cc jagex??????


cya bell

text wrap ok

i like da acitvities shit too so ye

This pretty much

Str in sara1

they need to make clicking smoother like when i click eat shark and then click wear pneck at the same time it seems to eat the shark but not put on the pneck same with eatching and trying to barrage. like it wont let you do 2 things at once.


Think this is a very good set of updates. About time


Pretty shitty about the bell... Staking shouldn't be about your pid/ip.. Kinda makes it unfair.

Oh well.

Nate Beast

all gud


Yep Slayer bell is gone but i know 3 other stalls that haven't been patched such as the one from slug quest, thar spatch, and a secret one


Theres a new method for staking now lol


Nobody stakes me anyway.


good updates, i like the world activities thing.


cya bell, now its about #pidwin

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