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"Thoroughly" adjusted....What sefket did half-way..

ilx ace ilx

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ilx ace ilx
Posted (edited)

Adjusted what sefket tried to change but did only half way because of me and I apologize for such an incident.


But I have adjusted and completed what I know will work for all, if not, 99% of all users on this forums regarding with their member groups.


If you are still experiencing any difficulties with your forums account (mostly just your signature which i believe was the major issue) please let me know.


To admins, if you get the time, and do not believe me and whatever it is u feel about me it doesnt really matter, u can check for it urself and see if it meets "your standards"


I do not think we will be having issues with any member groups related any longer.


I thank you all for your patience and kindness.

-to sefket http://www.foe-rs.net/forums/topic/78323-any-admins-online/


Edited by ilx ace ilx
ilx ace ilx

like i said...if you are still experiencing difficulties (cuz im not perfect you know? mightve missed one here or there) just tell me please. thank you.

Posted (edited)

forum guests shouldn't be able to make status updates


its a privilege 

also you have randomers making sly remakes about the number of councils we have ridiculing our clan

(i understand you probably don't realize that seeing you aren't active)


if you want that here, fine by me

like i said earlier you're wasting your time.

Edited by Andrew
ilx ace ilx
Posted (edited)

oh andrew, i read your can as cant.


i will change it back to no status update this instant.


*edit* on another note, why should the select few guests who make 'sly' comments like those ruin it for the rest of the guest community? if any, those who do inappropriate status updates should get suspended if you ask me.


anyhow, i changed it to no status update for guests and its stayin until what ive brought up above is cleared up.

Edited by ilx ace ilx

thanks grandpa


I really think guests shouldn't have access to status updates, should be a FOE member or associate privilege.

ilx ace ilx

I really think guests shouldn't have access to status updates, should be a FOE member or associate privilege.

yea i took it off, they cant update their status.


but yeah its uunfair when its the select few who ruins it for everybody .


we'll find a way tho :)


<--- #1 ace fanboy :wub2: :wub2:

Pixel Pigeon

<--- #1 ace fanboy :wub2: :wub2:


Rock paper scissors lizzard spock?


Goodjob ace


Thank you Alex. Crazy that you're still so dedicated to the clan after all these years.


Did you talk to the leaders about our pms? Because Puppet told me to speak to Alex to get it fixed so we had the powers but he hasn't been on when I have.

ilx ace ilx

just waiting on alex, talk to me in pm or irc., ill let u know what i know as of now.

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