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Best way to get 99 Strength and Magic?

Gabe | U V

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What would be the best way for me to get 99 strength and magic?

I got 75 strength, fury, climbing boots (all the tools needed). I have 25m in cash, but if I have to I can always sell me d claws and make back the money. Would experiments be the best to 99, I would do bandits but I don't want to do something stupid were I throw all my money away for no reason. I also don't want to waist my time when there is a faster method.

With magic I am thinking about alching (61 magic atm), any other recommendations better then alching (please don't say ice burst, that is throwing your money away, lol). Same thing for this, about 25m, but willing to sell D claws if needed.


Yes I am a 1 defense pure.



train on pyres & other pures, spend zeals on magic.



train on pyres & other pures, spend zeals on magic.

This right here. Best part about it: FREE


I don't care if I waist like 20m or w/e. I just would hate to know there is a better way of training that I am not doing. :/

So I guess soul wars. Or if anything is better.. Btw, do you guys know theĀ  XP per hour?


If SW is not your thing, then you should slowly use about 10m to merch and the rest of your money to bandits str, by the time you are 99 str you could probably have enough to buy magic as well. If you dont want to spend too much money, you could throw SW in the mix as well. Wouldn't kill.


U cant buy strength like you can magic and range to a large extent.

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