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What Jagex is doing


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They are using osrs as a re-do for all the fuck UPS they did in the original game. Osrs will become the rs players always wanted.

Thoughts on this?

I say GOOD move jagex. Actually a really smart move on their part.


well 2007 was the last part they had backed up so its the only time they cudda brought back without having to remake everything but i dont know maybe they are gonna add some updates, itd be cool if there was like a vote on every single update they made or something like vote for ags vote for clan wars etc but potentially could fuck up the game too just a thought


as long as they don't just stop and keep moving forward with it i can't wait to see what happens

Str in sara1

i kinda wish they didnt come out with 07 cause then i wouldnt have came back to rs =/ 


Sort of, but it needs the # of Players to keep going, and most of the players are just bots atm.


only time can tell what will happen, but im more than happy with what we've got right now.


Very good move on their part imo. 


i kinda wish they didnt come out with 07 cause then i wouldnt have came back to rs =/ 


this... ohmg man i feeel u i really cant find the time considering i was pure pking in 2002-2003 its now a decade later, specialy with all these new nerds playing, no offence


as long as they don't just stop and keep moving forward with it i can't wait to see what happens


will be good to see what happens


if it dose happen then see what happens clan wars and sht we need it


i rlly hope they follow the same timeline


no wildy pvp worlds bh craters and all


Hopefully they will learn from their mistakes, are the removing EoC?


Hopefully they will learn from their mistakes, are the removing EoC?

No, this is their bypass around removing it. Just recreating a game we can still love.


Hopefully they don't ruined it again.


I like their approach,

I have gotten a little bored of 07scape,

Time for new graphics,

Different weapons while keeping the same account we slaved on.


i kinda wish they didnt come out with 07 cause then i wouldnt have came back to rs =/ 


no because it will never be the same feeling as playing the content for the first time


no because it will never be the same feeling as playing the content for the first time

they are pretty much redoing this game. They'll probably be adding new weapons we've never even heard of. instead of ags's and shit.


New bosses




This is their restart button.


We must just hope that they won't ruin Rs again ..

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