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I0wnu2lumbi - 3rd & Final Pk Video


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I've been gathering clips for this video for the past month and a half or so and I started editing a week ago. This is my 3rd video and most likely my last. I'm getting kind of bored of this game, well really bored actually, and I've decided to move on to much better things. This video has higher risks than my previous ones. You will see me risking corrupt vls and swh, firecape, RC robes, etc. All of the clips are either in edgeville 1v1 or varrock PVP worlds. I also tried to show better loot, in the video there's about 5m pked in the clips and at the end i cash in all my artifacts. I've always wanted to use songs by Muse in my videos but it does get disabled. I decided to take the chance and try to dispute, so far it has worked. I know I have some fans and I know I have some haters, but either way, I'd like to thanks anyone who has watched my videos whether or not you supported them. Pleas enjoy the video :D

My Stats:

Posted Image

Songs Used:

Muse - Map Of The Problematique
Green Day - Before the Lobotomy

The Video:


My Previous Videos:

Look at my sig.

Thanks again! Peace..


Such a good vid, like i personally think you're one of the best editors.


very nice vid,

nice risk's & nice loot's that's the way

ashame your quitting though,

hopefully u come backk :)


was good, late on the topic though :D

Will miss you


great video, good music, great clips, nice variety and big risk  ;o

not enough magic though  :p


Such a good vid, like i personally think you're one of the best editors.

Sums it up^

nice editing and variety.. did'nt like the music at all though


Nice vid, might use that last part where you cash in statues, in my next or future vid :P


sick vid man 5/5 sorry to hear ur bored though just make a low lvl pure they are always fun


Fuckin good vid, loved the variety man shame that its the last


Nice vid dude liked it a lot.

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