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Dave (Cha0s)

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Dave (Cha0s)
Posted (edited)

Is word filtering necessary? I realize most of you will say no but please think about where I am coming from..


Some members and guests have been bashed and disrespected like there is no tomorrow and then getting unwelcomed on the boards..


This shouldnt be necessary but something needs to be done.



Some possible list of words that could be filtered to 


Take a look at the site below and have your say :P


Edited by ilx ace ilx
edited by ilx ace ilx
Posted (edited)

don't want any words to be filtered. 

Edited by Mortuls
Posted (edited)

don't want any words to be filtered. 

Although it would be nice if mods+ could hide posts that have ludicrous shit in that you just don't wanna here.

Edited by Sean``

The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "[e]veryone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice".


anything but mug

Posted (edited)

ass-pirate - homosexual



Funny One


Not Necessary in my eyes

Edited by Mo0

can we filter out common spelling mistakes made by Dutch people.


in fact, can we filter Dutch.


while you're at it, get rid of "mad" "lol" and "+1" and change it to "i suck dick for money hit me up in pm"


If its just censoring then can we censor all of Dizzy's posts

ilx ace ilx

ps cunt cunt fuck fuck tit wank bollocks arsehole shithead 

those are the ones you feel should be?




dont quite get the point of your post.  :O


if u filter that ur interfering with my freedom of expression and therefore negating my human rights 



ps cunt cunt fuck fuck tit wank bollocks arsehole shithead 

those are the ones you feel should be?




dont quite get the point of your post.  :O



My point is that nothing should need to be filtered, if somebody feels the need to have it filtered then there should be a toggle feature for it, specifically for the 13 year olds in the clan


Filtering removes freedoms from the forums, unintentionally mutilates the meaning of other posts by changing words that coincidentally have bad words in them... We use profanity in motivational topics. If the language on these forums is the issue, than the true problem is the moderators and the moderation. Not some automated word filter list that has all these negative repercussions. Identify and assess the problem, this is a stopgap solution that almost creates more issues than it prevents. 


can we filter out common spelling mistakes made by Dutch people.


in fact, can we filter Dutch.


while you're at it, get rid of "mad" "lol" and "+1" and change it to "i suck dick for money hit me up in pm"


If its just censoring then can we censor all of Dizzy's posts

Yeah do this pls. So I can give the mute hammer.


ps cunt cunt fuck fuck tit wank bollocks arsehole shithead 

i couldnt agree more


ps cunt cunt fuck fuck tit wank bollocks arsehole shithead

i couldnt agree more

if this is the same filter they use on mm boards u know the word "girls" would be cencored


they're literally going through the entire list uncencoring words that dont need to be


if you want to cencer useless words that are only used for hurting some1 such ass



1.fuck you



feel free to cencor it

other than that i dont see and flaming going on here


You couldn't even say titooooooooooo

It changed it to Breastoooooooooooooo

R 4 P 1 D Z

this is the internet .. should'nt need to filter 


o well im not too bothered if you do either way so its up 2 you guys


i agree with luke


i feel like it might blot out unnecessary things and therefore make sentences harder to understand with all the stars everywhere


I think Devon should be in charge of the word filtering.


na not needed tbh just give mods more powers

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