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be carefull on IRC


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perhaps put this host on akick on irc, already banned thanks lucifer :)


someone trying to fake bloody almost fell for it


03:09:44) <bloody|afk`> yo mate
(03:10:52) <[Foe]UoEnO_> what up
(03:11:04) <bloody|afk`> stats atm?
(03:11:13) <[Foe]UoEnO_> 60-82-1 94 range 94 mage 85 hp
(03:11:24) <bloody|afk`> prayer?
(03:11:27) <[Foe]UoEnO_> 44
(03:11:54) <bloody|afk`> can i go staking on your account need to clean this kid i got pid on him and 3 hp levels and 2 str if i clean il give you bg amount.
(03:12:12) <[Foe]UoEnO_> i got no dscim
(03:12:15) <[Foe]UoEnO_> that matter?
(03:12:22) <bloody|afk`> il just dds him.
(03:12:31) <bloody|afk`> or try to get him to range stake.
(03:13:04) <[Foe]UoEnO_> does it needa be right now?
(03:13:08) <[Foe]UoEnO_> was just about to do mm
(03:13:21) <bloody|afk`> hes on now if possible it be 20mins max
(03:13:56) <[Foe]UoEnO_> yeah sure
03:14:04) <[Foe]UoEnO_> ill just go gather all items for mm on my baby
(03:14:22) <[Foe]UoEnO_> try be quick
(03:14:26) <bloody|afk`> il give you like 5-20m if i cleanhim
(03:15:23) <[Foe]UoEnO_> kay gimme 2 secs
(03:16:45) <bloody|afk`> kk
bloody|afk` is ~bloodyaf@Swift-E125FB14.as13285.net * bloody|afk`
bloody|afk` is on @#monsds
bloody|afk` using server *.SwiftIRC.net (SwiftIRC network)
bloody|afk` has been idle 1min 17secs, signed on Sun, 16 Jun 2013 03:09:24 Canada Central Standard Time
bloody|afk` End of /WHOIS list.-
(03:18:26) <[Foe]UoEnO_> lol
(03:18:31) <[Foe]UoEnO_> almost bro
(03:18:43) <bloody|afk`> huh?
(03:19:02) <[Foe]UoEnO_> bloody|afk is ~bloody@Swift-F4896DE3.hsd1.tx.comcast.net * ...
(03:19:02) <[Foe]UoEnO_> bloody|afk is on @#finalownage
(03:19:02) <[Foe]UoEnO_> bloody|afk using server *.SwiftIRC.net (SwiftIRC network)
(03:19:02) <[Foe]UoEnO_> bloody|afk has identified for this nick
(03:19:22) <[Foe]UoEnO_> good try doe
(03:19:23) * No such nickname/channel (bloody|afk`)
Posted (edited)

Hate those kids :)

yday a lvl 126 asked same thing to me rofl, 

Edited by Famouz

ffs didnt work =[






Use MIRC and enable these




Use MIRC and enable these


Yeah, mIRC master race.


if anyone asks to use your account get them on ts first

I J3r I Pur3

if anyone asks to use your account get them on ts first


Tried on me aswell, ohwell


Idiot's honestly.


wow tbh i would have never even noticed 

Str in sara1

i just go on troll mode dont care who it is

Elven Dremor

Wouldn't let him on even if it was real.


:O that was close


if anyone asks to use your account get them on ts first


bloody|afk` is ~bloodyaf@Swift-E125FB14.as13285.net * bloody|afk`


20:22:29 | •›› [Foe]Mrloqa is "[Foe]Mrloqa" (~FoeMrlo@Swift-E125FB14.as13285.net)


your own members trying to scam you lol. the same kid tried scamming mm members throughout the week.


bloody|afk` is ~bloodyaf@Swift-E125FB14.as13285.net * bloody|afk`


20:22:29 | •›› [Foe]Mrloqa is "[Foe]Mrloqa" (~FoeMrlo@Swift-E125FB14.as13285.net)


your own members trying to scam you lol. the same kid tried scamming mm members throughout the week.

time 2 kick mrloqa


Been happening since 2006 in #finalownage tbh. If you don't understand when and how to go about a /whois and an /ns info you shouldn't be on IRC! 

Posted (edited)

seen it all b4


edit: 12,420

Edited by Mortuls

bloody|afk` is ~bloodyaf@Swift-E125FB14.as13285.net * bloody|afk`


20:22:29 | •›› [Foe]Mrloqa is "[Foe]Mrloqa" (~FoeMrlo@Swift-E125FB14.as13285.net)


your own members trying to scam you lol. the same kid tried scamming mm members throughout the week.

wow thats crazy man experienced member also.

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