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Ape Atoll Chinning


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What do I need to take to ape atoll to chin. What do I wear and what do I take in invy?


Got 30k chins to use :D


Cheers lads

Pixel Pigeon

Mitre, monk/robe top, black chaps, book, chin, fury/power ammy (not glory), holy wrench, ppots, range pots, 1x antipoison, greegree, tab.


Mitre, monk/robe top, black chaps, book, chin, fury/power ammy (not glory), holy wrench, ppots, range pots, 1x antipoison, greegree, tab.

why not glory?


Mitre, monk/robe top, black chaps, book, chin, fury/power ammy (not glory), holy wrench, ppots, range pots, 1x antipoison, greegree, tab.


Pixel Pigeon
Posted (edited)


Mitre, monk/robe top, black chaps, book, chin, fury/power ammy (not glory), holy wrench, ppots, range pots, 1x antipoison, greegree, tab.

why not glory?



Power ammy has +5 prayer bonus (?) and only -2 less range bonus than a glory.



Prayer > Range

Edited by Pixel Pigeon



Mitre, monk/robe top, black chaps, book, chin, fury/power ammy (not glory), holy wrench, ppots, range pots, 1x antipoison, greegree, tab.

why not glory?



Power ammy has +5 prayer bonus (?) and only -2 less range bonus than a glory.



Prayer > Range


I agree, Im thinking of taking monk robe bottoms too, but idk


1 anti

3 range pots

3 sharks



lots of ppots


1 anti

3 range pots

3 sharks



lots of ppots


With this set up, if you don't have the gree gree, I bring:


1 Anti

4 Range pots

1 Shark

1 tab

the rest Ppots


you should bring more than 1 shark if you haven't been there yet just to see how it goes in case you run over spikes a lot.


ye avoid spikes lol


stand under a stile


if you want to go we can go i need to throw 20k more chins


Mitre, monk/robe top, black chaps, book, chin, fury/power ammy (not glory), holy wrench, ppots, range pots, 1x antipoison, greegree, tab.


go as duo saves u from spreading bones


basic prayer range bonus





Mitre, monk/robe top, black chaps, book, chin, fury/power ammy (not glory), holy wrench, ppots, range pots, 1x antipoison, greegree, tab.

why not glory?



Power ammy has +5 prayer bonus (?) and only -2 less range bonus than a glory.



Prayer > Range


I agree, Im thinking of taking monk robe bottoms too, but idk


Nah you still want decent range bonus so your chin throws aren't complete shit lol :p


1 anti

3 range pots

3 sharks



lots of ppots

Pixel Pigeon





Mitre, monk/robe top, black chaps, book, chin, fury/power ammy (not glory), holy wrench, ppots, range pots, 1x antipoison, greegree, tab.

why not glory?



Power ammy has +5 prayer bonus (?) and only -2 less range bonus than a glory.



Prayer > Range


I agree, Im thinking of taking monk robe bottoms too, but idk


Nah you still want decent range bonus so your chin throws aren't complete shit lol :p




also throw on accurate

The Slam Van



That's the setup I use when I go chinning. I always use the 3rd spot in the tunnels, not many traps and no spider to poison you. Bring an extra shark or antipoison if you aren't used to chinning down there.


mitre, cloak fury, archers ring, rangers, chins, zammy book, inventory 3 range pots, rest prayers


Once you get better you won't need to bring a shark at all. I did all of my ranged without bringing one but you can also brew up before u go

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