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Your Foe story


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Tell us about how you became Foe and why you chose to be Foe. What happened when you first came into the community, and how it is now.


ill start  :tongue: 




Jono's story;


So it all started from watching foetube videos back in 09 or something and I was pretty amazed that they could train pures that high but I was like one day I'm going to make a pure and join. It never happened until 2011 when free trade and wilderness came back so i started training my pure Jnoz. I got mith gloves on it and all but I wasn't planning to join any clan, I just wanted to edge pk. Randomly walking in edge I saw Adam (Jesus) with a foe cape on, I asked him how I could join and he told me to apply on the site, so that's what I did.


shout out to Adam for introing me to Foe  :wub2:  hope you're reading this !

Anyways, so i apped for Foe, not knowing what to do so I just apped and left my app there for it to sit. Obviously it got declined but I wasn't aware of it. I then ask Adam if I was in Foe yet and he said my application got declined so I applied again. My second app was a lot better. Frankly I uploaded a video of myself pking with tabs because I didn't really know the rules. Soon after I got declined, I was flamed by someone called Foe marc who went to leadership and said I flamed him and I was banned from irc


I then thought, its over I'm not going to join anymore. Then one day I saw Josh OMEGA at G.E and he asked me to buy round hides or some shit for him (for summoning) I then asked him to unban me from irc


I finally came to a conclusion that i'd app one last time and if i was declined, I would app for MM  :ph34r:


I remember finally getting a microphone and jumping on teamspeak, not knowing how to use it i'd just stay in lobby and talk to whoever was there. The first time I spoke to Farmoil i thought to myself his voice is so deep and I felt like a girl talking to him. This is when I met Tepee, Farmoil, Snailham Pk, Tauntz and Naishel. Snailham and Farmoil helped me with my app even though they were apps, truth is I just looked at their apps and copied what they did ROFL.


Mortuls gave me a warm welcome into teamspeak too, we bullied Sale (zumaram!)  :wub2:  :cool:


2 weeks went by and I was finally accepted. Boy was that a good feeling


After going to a few more trips I went into a channel where Anto was in and I heard his parents talking Vietnamese but I thought narh he cant be Vietnamese so i asked him and he was :L ever since then he's helped me a lot through out my Foe years


Main memories:


I still remember my first midweek where Puppet was on it and he was screaming out "free mystic free mystic" and i thought he was actually 30 years old.

I remember going to pcl and was asked to sit out for the round but i didnt know what the term "sit" meant to i just rested on the floor and got kicked out of then clan chat



So once i was comfortable in Foe not much was exciting as it was when i was an app. Im going to finish it up here



Shout outs


Anto - thanks for everything bruh

Adam Jesus - thanks for introing me to the clan 

Josh Omega - thanks for unbanning me =p

Farmoil - Dribbleboy

Snailham - Noob

Tepee - Salami tit

Tauntz - Cousin shagger

ilz - Noob

Naishel - Hope to hear from you soon


Mortuls - Thanks for the warm welcome captain

A 12 r D - My boy

Flex - Terrorist

Foe Feast - massive help during my time as an app




Posted (edited)

I got to know about foe via youtube.


I got in to clanning by simply being recruited at the shantay pass.

When my clan (Incensed Pures - IP) merged with another clan, I was clanless.



Eseljaeger recruited me to Foe in April 2010.


Events like the jagex cups, f2p full outs vs mm, 115 foe vs rot are surely in my memory.

Also things like the last rs2 trip, 06scape, eoc, battlescape, 07scape, etc.




I was part of Foe to the times of

PvP worlds

Bh worlds

New Wilderness







The most fun was probably the bh worlds, as I had the most time and many things were new to me. The last months of rs2 were quite enjoyable as well.




shout outs:





















-tractor joe


-itz zeh noob

-life to dds





-im pore






all those people I chat with once in a while - some like connor, I have not talked to in years :(

Edited by Lch Jonny

Foe was shit when i joined.


Even EE took them down.


No idea why I stayed :p


Ps: Its awesome here xD

Posted (edited)

My story is maybe not so impressive but oh well 


I heard about FOE in like 2009 when i was Bh Pking in German Worlds everyday

Foe somehow hopped into this World and my 5man Team got 1banged pretty fast

but i forgot about it until New Wildy

Im not sure but there used to pk a guy called "Foe Steroids" in German Worlds and he told me about Foe

I checked their site out and left right after i saw the Reqs.

When i had 2b summer 2011, i created a new Acc and lvld it really fast with chins/bursts in order to join Foe, but my Friend lost the 2b and i lost the interest in RS.

2007scape was introduced and i decided to give FOE a try since they always used to be the Kings in my Eyes

Oh ye and some of you might not want to hear this but Bonesaw also helped alot with his Old Pics and his advertising for Foe

might reapp in case things go the way i planned 


shout outs(not that many):

-lch jonny





-doctor ilja

-irun england


Edited by 33th
Posted (edited)

Since I am only an Applicant my story doesn't go to far, but it goes something like this.


I had known about FOE since probably around 2006/2007. I had seen them all over youtube, and thought it would be a lot of fun to go into huge wars, etc. I then made a pure Pre-EOC times. I never thought I would ever make it into FOE, so i joined Control. That only lasted a few weeks, then I got defence on the account. Then came along 07Scape.. I made my pure, and was training 24/7. I had first signed up on FOE's site to see the requirements, etc. I was really interested in joining, but I just wasn't sure if i would make it. I had always looked up to FOE being the best pure clan in Runescape. This is when I had later made my worst decision.. I went and signed up on MM's site. I made an intro, and a silly "Road to become a Mayhem Maker" topic..I regret making these to this day. I didn't understand how bad there community was, not to mention, they were all complete d***s. Then, after realizing all of that, I finally came back to FOE's website for another look at the requirements. Then, I noticed the FA Requirements.. I figured that this would be my best chance. So, I joined the Teamspeak for the first time hoping to meet new people that could possibly help me with my future Application, and I actually found that anyone who i asked were more than happy to help me out..A week later I applied, and have been working on the the suggestions people have given me. 


This is about all my story up to this point..I hope this can answer some of the questions that were posted on my app about the MM intro. 


Thanks to Everyone in FOE that has helped me and supported me in my Application.

Edited by Ford Fx4
Posted (edited)

My story

I always heard of foe YouTube and saw them through out Wildy on my main always had a pure but just didn't feel like applying pure was like 94 Mage 85 range 60 attk 70 str fully quested then me n my bro decided to make new pure accs and raise to 99 range. I was pretty rich on my main so I did it with him got 99 range in like 2 weeks churning then after awhile got up other stats n met I paintings and principe pk/pure bser and irsocured good friends of mines that was in foe they convinced me to join back in like June 2k12 left after they either quit or stop playing since they only people I really talked to in foe join fi for 2 months and re joined foe on bs and 07

Main memories

Having Dms with tauntz when I was an applicant and smiting a bgs on a midweek

I remember I got asked to sit my 1st prep :(



Shout out




Pure bserx





1 item





Evil Cupid

Reached zero

Edited by N0 S0UL

Joined in 2005. Enjoyed a couple prosperous years of structure, fun, honour, and good times with clan members. Then December 2007 happened and it's just been downhill since then. 


My story. 

Posted (edited)

September 2006, walked upon 0l30l3 and 1 Pure Devil talking about Foe near level one of edge wild.  I stopped and joined in the conversation; they recruited me and I applied as an associate the same day.  Got accepted the next day and i remained associate until January 2007 where I applied as a full member with associate advantage and got in.  


Foe slumped quite hard in late 2006 and for a good few months we had to run from most clans.  Ace was really a key leader at the time before big Dave stepped up to the plate, I Meleed I, Fr0gie and Pk Erno all played a big role during these times too as Warlords.   My attendance during Autumn/Winter (March-August) throughout 2007 was shocking due to trips being at 6-8am for me on top of having school.  I think I got warned 2-3 times and almost got booted,  Spring/Summer 2007 ( September- February for me) was when I really started to put the effort in, at the time I believe I was a senior member and made every single event/trip for my entire summer break and got promoted to council to officer and eventually to High Council , which I believe I got in either December 2007 or January 2008.


During 2008 the wild was replaced with Bounty hunter and clan wars, and PCL came about.  Foe annihilated P2P and F2P with Dave leading the way.  We had numerous bounty hunter trips from time to time but overall most pure clans relied on minis and wars for fun. 


Somewhere in along the road Pvp worlds came out and Bounty hunter died.  We had trips which involved running around the main multi spots hitting teams/clans and we were still strong as a clan at the time.  I was still High Council at this point but my attendance had started to drop off due to starting a job and school running.


June/July 2009 I stepped down as High Council due to inactivity and lack of interest in the game.  I believe I was High Council for around 15-16 months.  My account was maxed with the exception of hit points/attack.  I moved onto WoW/LoL/Cod/BC2 with a few real life friends for 3 years but still came on forums/irc.  


2013 I'm still about on forums/irc with some activity in 2007scape, community just keeps on making me come back despite the state its in.  Foe was my first clan and will be my only and last clan.


I'd give shout outs but the list would be long and 3/4 of the people aren't about anymore. Just  would rather say thanks to all the people I've met over the nearing 7 years of being around.

Edited by Tris

Started True Whip week before slayer was released as a skill after getting banned on my main for offensive language. Enjoyed WC so I started as a skiller, straight w88 mages got like 85+ wc and fletch. Eventually started alching all my fletches and got 80+ magic. Started training range since I already had combat, just didn't know anything about pures. Saw a Yankin Deez video and decided I liked the idea of range/mage with 1 defense. Got 60 attack/str without any quests (I also PKed without boots, gloves and often necklaces). 61 attack once I quested, obviously. Got 2 defense once slayer came out firebolting kalphites with extreme lag. So I'm training range at ogre cage and me and V  Joker  V coincide training there for hours every day and we get to talking, become friends. Meet him again once he hit 90 range and we were training at lesser cage. He got to telling me about FOE and how he was joining once he hit 99 range. I looked into it, and along with my friend f-l---o-w, started alching up to 85 mage. Once I had 85 mage I applied for FA, and the rest is history. I was accepted as an FA in november 2006 I believe, and have been FOE ever since with the exception of a 2 week span in March 2008 when I got defense on the original True Whip. Bought a new pure, and got my council rank back in those coming weeks. Went through a rash of accounts; V Brothers V -> 1 Hit R4nge -> Sesshownmaru -> I Spiili I -> Gud Bettel, and finally my little Troo Whip had reqs, and I maxed that account (99 str/range/mage/hp) 2 hours before the EoC update. Spent at least 10 months at the council, officer, hc & leader ranks. I'd say I had a good run in FOE. 


created an rs acc.
trained a bit.
joined foe.
teared shit up.
continued to tear shit up.

I J3r I Pur3

1. Joined FOE
2. Raped every1 with foe's mortuls mini team
3. Senior member
4. Booted for carrying tab
5. New member



Saw FOE videos knew I would want to be a part of it.


Applied, 2 weeks later I was accepted,


started going on weekend trips nonestop  and then i decided to start miniing.


always sat, until I got good and had a blast.


Senior Member


EOC, clan d3d.


Then battlescape opened and miniing and trips were back.


07scape came back, everyone was demoted.


Trained got my stats pretty good,


got to experienced member again, then was promoted to Council.


Having a good time eversince 8)





-Anton (irunengland)




-Mofo Best

- Eleven




-Nearly Goats

-Low bridd

-No S0ul,


so many dunno if i forgot anyone

Its zeh noob
Posted (edited)

Joined shortly after pvp/bh was introduced in rs, never left from that moment. Part of #nijeveen dutch unit. Forever Oldschool rank.


Best times were with my friend steel steve and the steel titan unit.

Edited by Its zeh noob

Was in a clan called crimson project for about 3 years and were the best p2p clan wars clan around. So when we closed i obviously joined foe with all my friends, sir jerry, tylerrr, wrecka, etc. My original pure "Veta" recently achieved 21 defence via a soul wars bot so i had to train about a new account. I trained up my new called piker and was accepted. I was never very consistent as you can see in my ranking fluctuation: New member-> proud member-> experienced- proud member-> experienced member -> senior member-> elite member demoted to senior member -> retired. In my time in foe i single handely kept this clan alive and kept it  from closing several times. I pull foe out of slumps so much it was exhausting. I eventually accepted a retired rank and started getting big bronzed and beautiful in real life.


Shout out










- Lots of other people but most have quit so i can't remember them all

Posted (edited)

dv closed

made a pw topic with with stats of like 6 dv ranks that wanted to go to another clan

walli was pming me everyday to join foe and not mm since 13th was pming me aswell and was mad we made foe intro

council for a year



shout outs


0br 0wn by michael




the other english goons u no m8s init

Edited by Jamie

Foe was shit when i joined.


Even EE took them down.


No idea why I stayed :p


Ps: Its awesome here xD

not sure if troll or not, only time EE beat foe was when we went up the castle stairs and got gwased as you was normally that bad! lol


Nahh Josh, foe died at hill giants once !

Even on video ;)


Well about a year ago i was east pking, met 5pade/Tony was chill hung for a bit met other members like adhi the scrub 


Apped (Picture from app)





Then well walli saw my topic





Then i worked my ass off trained my account made it beast, worked my ass off on my turmoil pure "Ima Slob" got that maxed been in foe for nearly a year had a lot of fun with members and loving it will be here for a long time won't be leaving anytime soon.



Shout out to.


R 4 P 1 D Z





Mortuls my main that helped me since i first apped <3



1 Item



Mainly to everyone that has helped me <33333333333333333333.


Well, I remember hearing about Uaex V Jad all the time. He was a legend pure. I saw him one day at Clan Wars, I talked to him but he didn't respond. Then there's the time where I saw Foe Pk Vid 2. Scotty's intro was amazing, and that really got me.

Fast forward to 99 Range @ 64 cb. Was in Sko. Fall of 2011. Eventually I got pissed, everything was unorganized. I joined Havoc for like a week. Talk about Dead. Left that.

I had been leaking Sko Locs to Kyle for probably the last month I was in Sko. I did it for free, I was bored and wanted to see my leaders stop giving excuses on why we lost. That sort of established a friendship with Kyle. Funny though because at the time I didn't even know he was one of the leaders. Anyways I chatted with him and he wanted me to join. Basically he told me to app with 77 Hp, and to get 80 as soon as possible. I did through soul wars. Lmao was the only thing I knew. Got accepted December 31st 2011


Tried to join around mid 2012, got denied because I was apparently a spy ( I had never been in any pure clans before so  guess it could have look fishy).


Joined 3 months ago, made some great friends, great overall community, great leadership, great pking.


Will be staying.

Elven Dremor

Use to spend a lot of my time, after wilderness got removed, clan warring.

I met Briggsy there, and was friends with him for a good amount of time, I remember him asking me to join FOE but at the time I just brushed it off and didn't even consider joining a clan. So I continued clan warring and awhile later I eventually met Bebe Ownage, Alex and Pure Ellie - I can't remember the specifics, but I remember Pure Ellie asking me to join FI, and I was going to, thank god I didn't understand their forums. Around the same time, Alex asked me to apply to FOE. So I checked out the forums, and applied. He helped me a lot getting IRC and TS running (Also got my referrals - What a legend), I didn't have a mic so I just listened to him, haha. That was March, 2008.

I never really went on TS back then because I was way too shy, and didn't want to embarrass myself. (I don't go on TS often now for other reasons)

I went through the ranks at a nice pace and ended up getting promoted to Council, and spent well over a year at that lovely rank. Throughout the past 5 years, I've been FOE off and on, mainly because I didn't have a pure at the time. I've always enjoy the FOE community, and plan to stay with it until I lose interest in the game.

Only two shout-outs;

Hunt Godlink: I know he'll never read this, but by far best friend I've had on this game.

Alex (Uaex): Thanks for showing me this awesome clan - And beating Pure Ellie to making me apply.

Ps: I'm terrible at writing stuff like this.

Posted (edited)

I made my first pure "Sesshownmaru" after I was bored of pking on my main and pked on it in f2p in early 2005 possibly late 2004 I cannot remember anymore. I pked with a group of friends in our homeworld (World 19) which soon expanded into what you would call a "masser" clan. Friends of friends sort of thing and the group continued to expand.


Sometime before August of 2005 I tried making the move to p2p pking. Training/questing/pking at west drags mainly. I do remember seeing a forum thread posted by lighthouse25 (or is it 24? I don't remember) on the official runescape forums for a pure clan. Meetings and Greetings~. Somehow I ended up applying for foe (back then, fo) around August 2005. I was accepted that month as well.


(Personal history)

Sesshownmaru gained accidental defence levels and I eventually got 70 attack for the whip and 20 def (regrets). I made a second (one that got past 50 combat) pure named Zetsutai with the goal of staying 1 defence. I used Zetsutai to pk in f2p mainly. My memory of what goes where is kind of hazy so while I'm sure these events happened I can't put them in a solid timeline. At one point I believe Sesshownmaru and Zetsutai (1def) both met foe requirements. Sometime in either late 2007 or early 2008 (I think it was late december of 2007), I trusted the wrong person to do firecape on Zetsutai(my main pure in foe due to me becoming tired of 20 defence on Sesshownmaru). He stole a bunch of stuff I can't remember (firecape gear/supplies, ranger set?), got 15 defence, and attempted to scam (sell pins) foe members under my rsn (which I ended up giving money to those he scammed). At this point I had two pures, one with 80-90-20 and another with 60~80~15(rangebased) (estimates).


I decided not to make another account (didn't like the 15 def, didn't want to start over) and my active time on runescape dropped quite a bit (I had been engrossed with another game for a long time and it was using up my time). I can't remember if this happened before or after the removal of the wilderness and free trade but I stopped paying for membership and only attended the f2p trips on weekends. Somewhere around this time I ended up sharing/lending Sesshownmaru with Luke(True Whip) because he did not have an account that met foe requirements at the time. I went inactive(foe) sometime early to mid 2009 I believe.


(inactive in foe)

During 2010-early 2013 I did try to make another 1 defence pure and shared accounts with a real life friend but i found the game too boring for various reasons. Pretty much on and off throughout this time period. Also started playing League of Legends during this time period.


(oldschool runescape)

When old school runescape was announced I originally tried it out for a different reason but somehow I actually enjoyed playing RuneScape again. After a certain time I decided if I reached certain stats (I think I decided on 80 range, 75 mage?) on oldschool runescape I would rejoin foe as an active member. Once I did hit those stats I reached out to a few foe members I recognized by their names/rsn (to name a few, ace, luke, omega, kyle, dave) and started becoming active in irc and the forums. I also managed to get in touch with some old friends when I randomly recognized their name in game. I rejoined foe after hitting requirements. I don't know how long I'll play (until I get bored and go back to league I suppose) but until I quit I will be an active member.


No idea why I typed this out at 2 am when I could be masturbating to be honest. Reading through I skipped out on a lot of things and people but no other way to summarize 8 years.

Edited by Sess|Zetsutai

lols jono i remember this.


"I remember going to pcl and was asked to sit out for the round but i didnt know what the term "sit" meant to i just rested on the floor and got kicked out of then clan chat"

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