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Computer help- I WILL PAY.


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Here's the dealio.  If you are a computer EXPERT then comment below to try and help me.  if you aren't that good then please don't comment.  However, you can give your input.


Note: Whoever fixes the problem, I WILL pay you cash and you won't regret helping me.




For a month or 2 I have been experiencing difficulties with my computer.  It is a laptop [acer aspire 5517] to be specific.  EVERYTIME I start my computer up it starts up fine and I log in fine.  The PROBLEM is that I have to open up EVERY program i want to go on for the time being in order to use my computer.  After 5 minutes of being logged onto my computer, everything will freeze up making it IMPOSSIBLE for me to open a new tab, open my documents, ETC.


I am dying for help, I have tried system restoring, I have lost the disk to put it back to factory settings, I have scanned my computer for rats/viruses... NOTHING.  I have also tried pressing that F1 key or w.e while tapping another button and it brings me to this page but still. that didn't help anything..


I dont wanna take it in because my mom will get mad.. It's been to the computer store plenty of times :(


please help.. thoughts ? 


note: I play runescape in "Safe Mode" .  When a war is on, I have to restart my computer into "Normal Mode" and open everything right away just so I can listen to calls....  Bad Net helped me by trying to update my drivers but the latest ones are from 2009.. please help me.. anyone....


PLEASE, no trolls, im serous i really want it to be fixed, isn't there another way besides a new computer. this is my baby

Edited by Amanda
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I've honestly never heard of that before and have no idea. You could try to obtain a new disk to reset your machine.

I also googled your problem and this came up as an answer that you can try:

Click on acer, then click on recovery management, you are going to need your administrators password,click on recover to factory settings, and follow the steps that follow.






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I've honestly never heard of that before and have no idea. You could try to obtain a new disk to reset your machine.

I also googled your problem and this came up as an answer that you can try:


Click on acer, then click on recovery management, you are going to need your administrators password,click on recover to factory settings, and follow the steps that follow.







Yaa... i've been to that site before and was told to do that.. it is enabled 

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I can try to help you I am going to college for IT assistance and i have a few certification already please pm me so we can discuss more if i don't respond i am sleeping and we will talk in morning.

Edited by x360
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Get CC cleaner, run a scan and fix up/clear out your registry and temp files with it.

Download  Malware bytes and run that in safe mode.


Random shit I found online that could relate:

"people were experiencing problems with the "Zero Config Manager" part of the Intel ProSet wireless drivers, and anecdotaly it seemed to clash with McAfee VirusScan and DiVX (trust me to have both!)."






Also if you have a Acer warranty send it in to them directly if all else fails.

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Get CC cleaner, run a scan and fix up/clear out your registry and temp files with it.

Download  Malware bytes and run that in safe mode.


Random shit I found online that could relate:

"people were experiencing problems with the "Zero Config Manager" part of the Intel ProSet wireless drivers, and anecdotaly it seemed to clash with McAfee VirusScan and DiVX (trust me to have both!)."






Also if you have a Acer warranty send it in to them directly if all else fails.


Thank you, I will keep al of you posted with what works and what not.  I am stepping out atm but still feel free to post what you think will work.

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I've honestly never heard of that before and have no idea. You could try to obtain a new disk to reset your machine.

I also googled your problem and this came up as an answer that you can try:


Click on acer, then click on recovery management, you are going to need your administrators password,click on recover to factory settings, and follow the steps that follow.







Yaa... i've been to that site before and was told to do that.. it is enabled 


Damn. Oh well, I tried.

Hope you can get it fixed! :sad:

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I think I know the problem, message me and I will give you some suggestions.


P.S: dont bother downloading anything it wont make a difference

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Come to mind that it could be a hardware prob? Thinking of cooling systems mostly.


However, the entire PC should freeze then, instead of just not being able to open new programs.


If nothing very important is on the PC, id just make a backup of ur work/stuff that u need, and format it, install a clean win7.

if that doesnt help, its gonna be hardware. and since its an acer laptop, its fucking shit to replace stuff lol. Order a new one :D

Edited by Uaex V Jad
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Come to mind that it could be a hardware prob? Thinking of cooling systems mostly.


However, the entire PC should freeze then, instead of just not being able to open new programs.


If nothing very important is on the PC, id just make a backup of ur work/stuff that u need, and format it, install a clean win7.

if that doesnt help, its gonna be hardware. and since its an acer laptop, its fucking shit to replace stuff lol. Order a new one :D

I'm fairly sure It's something to do with her hardware as well, as i did a lot of what people said in this thread to do for her, and she even cleaned out all the dust and there wasn't much difference, I'm fairly certain she's tried reformatting as well, so 99% sure It's something to do with hardware, just don't know what part :p + Her laptop is that old, I doubt she could replace anything :pp

Edited by Bad_Net
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Ehh I would say it's a performance issue, nothing to do with the hardware itself but maybe a change in the BIOS or something that caused this problem, she said it started 1-2 months ago and this doesnt usually suddenly start if it were caused by hardware problems, symptoms would show rather than the same problem repeating and not increasing

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To add a note, I suggest you take it for repairs or just re-installing Windows 7 as stated above, if you have backup saved from before the problem started then you have nothing to worry about.

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