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ca police shoot dog


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so during a drug raid a man ( with his dog ) was filming what was going on just like the guy who shot the video. they go to arrest the man because it is apparently illegal to do so. he knows he is going to get arrested so he puts his dog in the car with the windows down.. the dog starts barking and gets out to defend his owner when the police shoot him in the head to kill. WARNING BEFORE YOU WATCH THIS IS VERY GRAPHIC AND NOT FOR THE FEINT OF HEART. so incredibly sad to see this happen and shows why i fucking hate cops. http://m.youtube.com/?reload=7&rdm=06vb#/watch?v=WDBZr4ie2AE&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DWDBZr4ie2AEthis

IF THIS IS TOO GRAPHIC FOR THE FORUMS FEEL FREE TO TAKE IT DOWN , just thought some would find this interesting.

i can't embed onto forums atm so if a mod could that'd be great

Edited by Koala
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the thing that pissed me off was they didn't put the dog down after they shot it they watched it fucking squirm

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