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Almost Dutch

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worst luck of my life these 2 days compared to the last time i posted when i made 20m+ in 2 days

me and my  friends always do weird death matches, we did full karil dm, i won...got junk loot, okay so we do full guthan dm yesterday, with fire cape and everything...i lose...gf full guthan AND firecape....try to redeem myself today, full morrigan and handcannon DM, i win...still crap loot ok so i figure i usualy get crappy loot before an ancient stat so, we do full ahrim, inf boot, and sara strike dm, were both out, and 100 ep, he's drinking his brew while my heart pray runs out and i try to click super restore to get it back up, but im really mental so i misclick, and i get pjed by a nerd with dds, i run out, and get specced a 25 and die. gf 7m again... he offers me some tricks....junk loot - .-

so i go to mage arena, figuring okay. ill get some ep...go pk...itl be okay...i die to a mage team, so i get out my morrigans from earlier, go up there with brews and all and same team is there - .- after 20 minutes of tanking em, (couldnt go out most were outside and rest inside) i finnaly die...gf morrigans...just FML  then as i die i get a target...i go to ge. iv got no nezzys, rune sets, anything...no ddses...not on lunar...so i gotta welfare fight him, im comboing him then he just specs and i die =/ my 1 shot at actually getting loot shot down


cant ep anymore or pk :/


lmfao, shit day.

just think, you could be dying of boredom fishing monkfish on a new pure...


i did go to working on my pure -just announced 60 range in cc-

feel like cutting myself with a blender though


Sounds like you really suck at runescape.


Sounds like you really suck at runescape.



Don't do stupid DMs then? Lol...


Don't do stupid DMs then? Lol...

its not like i expected a random kid to dds me - .-


Risking 2m+ in a friendly DM for some randomly generated loot.. isn't worth it.


lol that sucks but i can top it i was 76k tricking in bandos/ags/dfs/whip/f cape/zerk ring/neit/d boots/with 30m cash in my inv so im running to bank after my inv is full and then some faggot with hand cannon [this was when the high lvl pots were out] comes and specs me 70 20 i was like WTF gf 230m


Iv also lost ags and bgs.


Looking at your other topic, seems like your luck is fixed.


cant ep anymore wtf u on :S


sounds like a story who has that much sets to lose dming a friend to the game.. :angry: fucking idot


sounds like a story who has that much sets to lose dming a friend to the game.. :angry: fucking idot

you want VID proof?

oh shit you just got ownt sir.


Dm him... then cheat and whip out a elephant and put it on his head. GF u get like 5 ancients stats. I'm only saying this cuz if i advertise elephants i get a free toothpaste! bad luck anyway :/ better luck next time :)


You Sound like you suck at PvP.

Learn to Pk might help


Ouch lol

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