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Zimmerman found not guilty

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If anyone actually watched the case it shouldn't have even been a case.


The evidence was overwhelming and the only reason he was tried was because of the presidents participantation in the case pressuring for a trial.


Zimmerman had to leave the court with a bulletproof vest they were that scared for his life. His social security number and all vital details were also read out live. so gg on having a normal life now.

You have the right to a trial no matter what. If you shot the president on t.v. in the middle of the day. You can still have a trial. Smartest thing Zimmerman could of done was take it to trial wtf...


Again people posting stuff here they don't know shit about as if they were in the jury and have a degree in law

None of you know what your talking about and are basically just trying to condemn an innocent man to death from what you have heard from the new and lets be honest us new is pretty fucking bias

Also if what is being said is true like evidence not being handed over etc it will get a retrial

Also there has been way more fucked up people been acquitted with way more evidence against them yet no one ever seems to care

this guys smart ^

He was found not guilty, that's it. people need to stop trying to act like this evidence wasn't handed over or something

people with degrees in forensics/law etc. handled this. half of the people arguging have no knowledge of either of those. if you think he was guilty,  obviously he wasn't our he would have been found guilty.



Apparently they're (the NAACP [national association for advancement of colored people or something]) is trying to get the department of justice to try him for civil rights or w/e which means they have to prove he racially profiled


good luck w/ that r0lf 


Only reason he got away because Florida laws r ridiculous also they might take the case to a federal jury he deserves life in jail he basically racially profiled trayvon because he was black in a gated white area which he lived in


You realize Z taught a black guy twice a week for lessons? You realize Z stood up for a black man after the police beat him for no reason even taking them to court about it? You realize Z had slashes on his back from the incident? And racially profiling someone isn't a law in any UN state.




If anyone actually watched the case it shouldn't have even been a case.


The evidence was overwhelming and the only reason he was tried was because of the presidents participantation in the case pressuring for a trial.


Zimmerman had to leave the court with a bulletproof vest they were that scared for his life. His social security number and all vital details were also read out live. so gg on having a normal life now.


You have the right to a trial no matter what. If you shot the president on t.v. in the middle of the day. You can still have a trial. Smartest thing Zimmerman could of done was take it to trial wtf...



Lol you clearly have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to this case. There was so much evidence that Z done it in self defense and that there was also so much tampered evidence, there was no NEED to have a trial because the verdict was so obvious from the start. 

Posted (edited)




Lol and some of u guys aren't even from the states so wtf u don't know our laws so obviously ur reading some bull shit from online.

Only reason he won because of two things it wasent that much evidence in the case to begin with and there weren't any witnesses. So basically it's his word against a dead mans.

It's like date rape a girl gets raped and theirs no witnesses and barely any witnesses so its a person word against another's.

How did Zimmerman not racially profile trayvon, theirs a few break ins in his neighborhood so he sees a black teenager walking through and he thinks he's a burglar? Wtf when trayvon actually lived in that neighborhood he pursued him since its his word against a dead man with no witnesses he can say anything he want and can go in his favor because of lack of evidence and no witnesses.

And in the south almost any one cn kill anyone and claim its self defence because of stand ur ground laws.

That's the reason why the NAACP wants to make it a federal case instead of a state case because it would go in Zimmerman favor.

Edited by N0 S0UL
Posted (edited)

Only reason he got away because Florida laws r ridiculous also they might take the case to a federal jury he deserves life in jail he basically racially profiled trayvon because he was black in a gated white area which he lived in


You realize Z taught a black guy twice a week for lessons? You realize Z stood up for a black man after the police beat him for no reason even taking them to court about it? You realize Z had slashes on his back from the incident? And racially profiling someone isn't a law in any UN state.


If anyone actually watched the case it shouldn't have even been a case.


The evidence was overwhelming and the only reason he was tried was because of the presidents participantation in the case pressuring for a trial.


Zimmerman had to leave the court with a bulletproof vest they were that scared for his life. His social security number and all vital details were also read out live. so gg on having a normal life now.

You have the right to a trial no matter what. If you shot the president on t.v. in the middle of the day. You can still have a trial. Smartest thing Zimmerman could of done was take it to trial wtf...


Lol you clearly have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to this case. There was so much evidence that Z done it in self defense and that there was also so much tampered evidence, there was no NEED to have a trial because the verdict was so obvious from the start.

You're so dumb kid, if they're going to take you to prison and you think your innocent, you're going to take it to trial. I don't give a damn about the case, nor have I kept up with it. I just said you can take anything you want to trial its your right as an American citizen. Go troll some other forums where you belong loser. Also you dumbass, if there is "so much tampered evidence" as you claim, that has to be proven in a court of law... Lmfao... Idiot...

Edited by Florida Doe
You're so dumb kid, if they're going to take you to prison and you think your innocent, you're going to take it to trial. I don't give a damn about the case, nor have I kept up with it. I just said you can take anything you want to trial its your right as an American citizen. Go troll some other forums where you belong loser. Also you dumbass, if there is "so much tampered evidence" as you claim, that has to be proven in a court of law... Lmfao... Idiot...


You're honestly the biggest spastic ive seen in a long time. You can't even read English obviously. Completely missing the point I'm trying to make

You're so dumb kid, if they're going to take you to prison and you think your innocent, you're going to take it to trial. I don't give a damn about the case, nor have I kept up with it. I just said you can take anything you want to trial its your right as an American citizen. Go troll some other forums where you belong loser. Also you dumbass, if there is "so much tampered evidence" as you claim, that has to be proven in a court of law... Lmfao... Idiot...


You're honestly the biggest spastic ive seen in a long time. You can't even read English obviously. Completely missing the point I'm trying to make

You're fault for not getting the point across. I read what you wrote, and replied to it. You claim there wasn't a need for a case. That doesn't matter though, if he wants to take it to trial he can. Doesn't matter who is right or wrong. Even though in our case I'm right :)

Posted (edited)

People try to make cases a racial thing. It's ridiculous. There were a lot a facts involved and they were all in favor of Zimmerman. The forensic investigator (who is touted to be the greatest of our time) said that all the forensics lined up with Zimmerman's story. Trayvon had grass stains on his knees and Zimmerman had grass stains on his back; doesn't take a forensic examiner to figure out what that means. Also, the only eye witness said that the man in the hoodie (which turned out to be Trayvon) was on top of the other man performing an MMA style ground and pound. Also Zimmerman was severely physically outmatched. The professional trainer who was brought to the stand during the trial rated Zimmerman's fitness as a 1 out of 10. On the other hand, you have trayvon who is 17, in much better shape, and has a few inches in height on Zimmerman. Zimmerman had lacerations on the back of his head and a broken nose. It is sad that Trayvon died but George did what he had to do to protect himself, which he has the right to do.  It's just a matter of fact. They got this one right.

Edited by Veta
I Skype Moms

Self defense is the best evidence they have.


Theres been more cases like this vice versa, where a black man robbed a 17 year old white male and shot him to death down in south carolina.. Did it go nation wide No... because its ok for a black male to do this and this is considered racism because a "white" hispanic killed a black male out of self defense. Another case, a group of black males beat up a white male at a gas station and dragged him out in the middle of the road HELPLESSLY uncouncious and a car eventually hit him and killed him, did this go nation wide? No.


Obama you fucking idiot... You liberal dipshit... Why did you open your mouth... only reason I see this happening is because it will turn America's attention away from whats going on in Eygpt... Our government runs us like were hampsters in a cage...

Guest Tederick

Kid's obviously a fucking wanna be gang banger and probably fucking had it coming to him sooner or later this kid was going to be dead from another way or just end up in jail. Stop trying to act like he was an innocent and defenseless kid because he sure as hell wasn't.


Honestly I do not see the discussion. 


The facts are:

Zimmerman shot a 15 year old boy who had no weapons at all.



Now whether he got attacked or not does not matter to me. As a grown man you do not shoot some 15 year old boy who in the worst case fought with his bare hands.




And even if the law says that he is not guilty. I can assure you just by the facts both sides agreed on in court, Zimmerman is a fucking cunt.



Almost every one smokes weed and in the south almost every one has a gun...

Kid's obviously a fucking wanna be gang banger and probably fucking had it coming to him sooner or later this kid was going to be dead from another way or just end up in jail. Stop trying to act like he was an innocent and defenseless kid because he sure as hell wasn't.


He was 17 lch jonny 


so because he smokes weed and has a gun like the majority of us citizens have, he deserves to be shot??




If some guy jumped me and beat me up, knifed me.


Im gonna pull out my glock and shoot this bitch up.

Guest Tederick

so because he smokes weed and has a gun like the majority of us citizens have, he deserves to be shot??



Yes kid was a fucking hoodlum and I'm glad there is one less of them in Florida

Elven Dremor

Oh, America.


so because he smokes weed and has a gun like the majority of us citizens have, he deserves to be shot??



When you advertise it like a gang member, yes you deserve to be shot. that's the life he wanted to live and it caught up with him. cya hick


cant simmer the zimmer ggwp

Str in sara1

im a huge fan of him

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