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Help with 2007 runescape

Oh Sleeper

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Hello, I played RS during the golden age of pures. Quit after well you know, Anyways Yesterday I checked out runescape for the first time in ages and saw that you could play old runescape :) so i paid for members and now im starting all over, but before i start training and wasting countless of hours, is it worth it? The only reason i loved runescape was because of the pure community, basically im asking if there is or is there going to be a good sized amount of players PKing on 07scape? I need details/summarization on whats going on. Should i just get back into runescape and continue where i left off? will people actually be out there in the wildy looking for fights lol? if i could get some info or reassurance of some sort, i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


I dont recognize anynames so far on these forums lol, but if you played from 2004-2009 as a pure, i might know you...


OSRS is pretty much a pking/staking server so if you're gonna build a pure again go for it.


Yeah it's purely for pking and clanning, bossing is dead cause there like 2 bosses


thanks for the replies.

Also, is foe doing anything with old rs?


thanks for the replies.

Also, is foe doing anything with old rs?

My roommate is on a trip with them right now so yes.


nice, another question, how safe and reliable is it to buy rs gold from websites? I want to go straight to training lol..


I've been hash1 bird forever

If u don't know me nobody knows you h3h3


nope dont know you, and even better if no one knows me lol


I've been hash1 bird forever

If u don't know me nobody knows you h3h3

3lmo #1 they say

Str in sara1

clanning is still fun


wow, just checked out the f2p worlds, no one is pking there lol.... what a bummer, f2p was my favorite

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