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Achievement Log Of - I Duck Pk I + Main and other accounts


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And on that note...

Yayyyyy lol

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Bro edit the first post, makes it alot easier for others to see


Good luck on your goals, long list. o.O


Good luck mate, keep it up

Y Doorson I

nice how u make tht money man! all merch?


With the new dungeoneering update i tried out those resource dungeon things, they are pretty epic tbh, and the xp is to :)

23-29 doing the first 4, took about 5 mins

Also been doing hunter, 91 fletching nearly, and i have something epic to show after that :) :


And just got 91 fletching :) im going to show you the intresting thing at a later time =p


And just got this lol


Got hunter 57, i think i should be doing falconry now not sure will look up but i'm going off soon so may as well leave


I use my xp lamps on summoning, i got near to 71 summon and i didnt spend last weeks so i spent on summon, and i spent this weeks to :P but i spent 1 of them on dung to get 30

Once i got 30 i could go to the next hidden resource dungeon and got 31, took me awhile to find it lol

Im going to stop getting friends to buy battlestaffs for me as it is to expensive and ive lost like 10m doing it this month so far :P going to get 85 on buying my own ones and leave it as that.

Now for some updated banks on my other accounts, and now i can prove that the 2nd two accounts are 100% f2p if i want to :D

Pure's, hasn't been shown in a long while

And my f2p merchers of course


I do anything from 0-4 farm runs a day, depends how lazy I am at the time/day, and only grab the curry leaves when I see one

Wanted to do till end of month but want some spare cash so thinking of selling them :P


Hows it going guys :P here some crap that i got today:

I'm starting to do massive farm runs again


And haven't done one in awhile, was a massive supprise :) dunno where that 7m came from as i've lost so much money selling my expensive items because of everything crashing :P


Did some fishing/mining while doing some work, got like 20k mining xp and like 80k fish xp

Only used up like 30 minerals lol mined alot of it


nice topic nice account :P

Gage-Nz Bloods

Mawwy Me?? haha bloody beast mate


Wtf is up guys :D

Some big updates, and i finished one of my main goals on rs ive had for a long time :D

But first...

Was one xp lamp away so went for it

Look at date of the last one, then this one :o

And now for the thing ive wanted on rs for a very long time now...

And now its killing me because i went duel arena with a friend to try it out, i lend it to him after awhile and he lent me his bgs, both two hours we were gonna give back straight after, then we find out you cant discard so we both cant get to our godswords w0000tttttt >:@@@@@@@

Ik its crashing but I just really wanted it :D

R 4 P 1 D Z

good job bro


Hot topic, good job :).


Hey guys, ive been busy, then it was my birthday yesterday :D but got some stuff to share :)

15m xp bar

Now for some pks I got with my shiny new ags :D

Im only 108 combat, so anyone my level with an ags knows that a 600+ with an ags is not very common at all :P

3 Hit :D Was quite dissapointing never get to use spec, first fight with my ags lol

Yeah yeah ags prod, im not gonna keep it for that long anyways

Life To Dds

gratz on ags and other achievements


Im kind of getting bored of my ags lol :P Well its still fun but i've got over my intial rush, and I still got alot of skilling and things i want to get done, its going back up again :D so i will sell soon

I've got tons of pks, but only screened descent loot, and i only screenied ko's by spec, which have happened alot today comparing to last time

I screenied most of them to early, i'll show few examples lol :S Some levels at the end

80ep, descent dp, who said mains loot was that great :s

Was making some tele portals in my house and got this :P

Yeah sorry its not alot :P but I been pkin alot, and i know thats no pks at all but i only screenied the occasional few, seeing as most of my kos were without spec i only screened specs/loot was genreally nothing special so stopped screenieing


Hey guys, I didn't do much today went out and did some stuff :P


You'll be back... one day....




I really have no clue where this money is coming from lol


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