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Kitten or baby.


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The root cause;

The other day in college we were discussing which charities we were going to give our assignment funds to. My teacher then put on a SaveTheChildren DVD that 'Just happend' to come in the post that day. On this DVD there was a women in Africa who has had 4 children die before the age of 5, and 2 who were still alive around 2-3 years old. The whole time this DVD was on people were 'aww'ing and one girl was near enough crying. After the DVD finished I laughed and said that was selfish. After 5-10 minutes of being bitched at by my whore of a teacher and the rest of my dumbfuck class I explained 'If you can't afford to look after your children, or you have a generic disease you shouldn't have unprotected sex'

The debate.

After an hour or so of people telling me 'It's human nature to have sex' blah, blah, blah. A question came up, a guy said 'If there was a baby and a kitten next to each other in a burning building which would you save' I said 'Probably the kitten, it's lighter'. At this point they started getting fucking angry. 'That's disgusting, I hope your infertile!' etc. I tried to explain to them that they were ignorant and that there is no reason why humans should have the right to live over any other living thing. Then my teacher said I was 'Stupid, and life is too precious' (Kittens don't have lives, remember that kids  :mellow:). To me, what I was argueing made perfect sense, but I had a teacher who started insulting me, and 18 other kids joining in.

Just wanna know who is right here? Do you think we are above all other animals or is my teacher a dumb cunt.


Just want to point out that I do eat meat, kill spiders if they are in my room etc, I'm not some jumped-up PETA faggot, but a baby hasn't acheived anything in its life. It hasn't helped anyone achieve anything, nor will it have a huge impact on the world, other than 3 people upset that little Charlie got fried because they didn't test the batteries in the smoke alarm.

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They should of at least respected your opinion. And yea i agree with u totally if u cant afford children dont have them. Both a kitten and baby are insignificant as each other, both will effect so little how the world continues; so i think you made the right choice in taking the lighter option  :ph43r:

Just curious, what class was this in? And what country?

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i agree with the dumb bitch shouldnt have kids if she cant feed or what ever... but if i were given the option to save a baby or a kitten. obv i would go for the baby. the kitten will prolly get ran over by a car anyway.

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what kind of guy can't carry a baby and a kitten at the same time?

naa jk, but i understand where you're coming from. however many of the children were probably unwanted. and with the state of some places in africa, abortion or even the morning after pill may not be an option. what i'm getting at is that it's not always their fault they have kids and nature has programed them to do their best to take care of them, even if that still leads to the child's death.

BUT, even if we did put our money into the children, how many do you think are going to be successfull? how many are going to make a difference anywhere outside their community? very little, if any considering the little to no education they recieve.

and fuck your teacher, kittens have 9 lives!

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I would save both. God gave us 2 hands for a reason... OH SHI-- here comes "Is god real or not debate".

WELL... I think that....

Humans are a little above animals, so humans should always be valued more

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tree hugger.. save your own kind before saving others.. if u srsly wud take a kitten over a human baby. your an idiot.

I'd stomp the face of any child I thought would grow up to be like you.
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tree hugger.. save your own kind before saving others.. if u srsly wud take a kitten over a human baby. your an idiot.

lol you're getting into the whole dominant "humans are superior" shit... What honestly makes us different than a house pet? Why, because we're "smarter"? Does that give us the right to go "Fuck you, you die now"?

If it was me I'd try and save both to be honest, but regardless, the life of one thing is not of any greater or lesser value than the life of another thing, sorry.

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tree hugger.. save your own kind before saving others.. if u srsly wud take a kitten over a human baby. your an idiot.

lol you're getting into the whole dominant "humans are superior" shit... What honestly makes us different than a house pet? Why, because we're "smarter"? Does that give us the right to go "Fuck you, you die now"?

If it was me I'd try and save both to be honest, but regardless, the life of one thing is not of any greater or lesser value than the life of another thing, sorry.

im not saying it is... but your honestly saying, if it was between a kitten and a human baby.. no way around it 1 must die, you would save the kitten? that is really dumb.. i see no logic in that.

life is life and all, but still...

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a human life is more precious than a cat life.

that human would maybe help several cats survive througout his/her life. the cat does nothing. the cat is not intelligent like human beings, it doesnt bring much good to the world prepared to what the human can do. i get your point though.

and how can you argue that humans are superior. is that not extremely obvious to you?

if it was between saving the life of a rat or a kitten? would you not pick the kitten?

if it was between saving your girlfriend and a 90year old would you not save your girlfriend?

obviously you would pick whats closest to you, and what the world can benefit the most from.

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a human life is more precious than a cat life.

that human would maybe help several cats survive througout his/her life. 

It could also grow up to kill several cats, because he/she thinks it is superior.
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babys are annoying little fucktards that just shit themselfs. that kitten could be a new bestfriend and wouldnt crap himself

take kitten.

BBQ baby.

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I argue that humans think were superior because it's true. We're so full of ourselves that we resort to things such as killing off rainforests and poaching already endangered animals for sport and profits without feeling remorse. Let's take a look at the sharks: Like 90% of the population of sharks is fucking dead because humans, being all mighty superior, powerful, and "smart", decided to catch sharks and use them for soup. FOR FUCKING SOUP. You know how much one pound of shark is worth? 80 thousand dollars US.

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a human life is more precious than a cat life.

that human would maybe help several cats survive througout his/her life. 

It could also grow up to kill several cats, because he/she thinks it is superior.

but the potential is there and thats what matters.

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