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Need some advise


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Hi, basically I need some help on what to lvl/do on my first successful pure :shifty:

These are my stats and items

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So what/how should I lvl, train etc, I've done RFD up to steel gloves, working on mith then addy

I mostly F2P pk, this is my most recent drop  that kicked my net up to 2mil B)

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I suggest you work on combat stats for now and when you need a break you can change up by doing quests, pvp'ing, and merchanting. I hope this helps.  :nice:

  • 3 weeks later...
Iguide | Tommy

You should train range and SW without spending the zeal, and then get the maximum str level u can without leveling.


What i did:

Find a good money maker, whatever makes the most gp per hour, do that. Do that until you reach 10M.

Once your at 10M, you can now successfully flip (with anything less than 10m, you don't really make enough profit and it's not worth it).

While your flipping, choose a spot to train, i did strength at zamorak warriors/range at fire giants. But you could SW, experiments, rock crabs, etc... Anything where you don't lose money doing it.

Once you've reached your desired stats, you should have a nice cash pile from flipping, and you can now PK. Pk sensibly and you'll profit.. Apply for Foe, attend trips, get promoted.. Die.

  • 1 month later...

I would make sure you have all the pure quests done and then train. Get 80 ranged 80 str and 82 mage.

  • 2 weeks later...

Do whatever you want man, it's your account and at the end of the day, you're the one who's going to have to sit there and do it, so you want to pick something you'll enjoy.

I've recently become bored of doing the same thing, so I've started skilling, and I just buy like 1k yew logs/bow strings at a time, do those and keep buying more until I get bored of it. Then I might go fish lobsters, or hunt salamanders. Whatever I fancy, you get the idea.

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