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Mage Training Arena

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Do it =O

Mage's Book is now up to 7.1m and rising. Started at 1.2m 3 months ago and hasn't stopped rising.

The cost for the runes for it is only a little over 2.1m, so you make a 5m+ profit.

Plus, if you actually try, it can be done in 3-4 days, as well as close to 45k magic XP per hour.

Great to do if your in short cash and need to alch, so if your on welfare, do this and then start alching =]

[edit] WTF mage's books are 7.5m now! If you do this and get the book, i would suggest keeping it for a while untill it starts to drop a little.


Posted Image

prollmann/whats a 26k

HOLY SHIT, thank you man , i wanna get 82+ mage on my pure, think im gonna do this and make a ton of moneyz on the way, just need to do some tabs or w/e to get the 2-3m in roons l0l


=] no problem bro.

Up to 7.2m now.


ty for posting this lol im doing it now..great exp and money


hmmm, thanks for this, i dont know if i would have the pateints for it though =\


looks like good money, i'll try it out. thanks.

Very nice Method, Would be even nicer If I could be assed to do it lol

Oo I started Mage training arena ages ago thanks for reminding me :D


Hah hah thanks.

If you no life it, it can be done in 3-4 days.

But if you just casually play, like me, it can be done in a week.

Currently, i have

550/500 alchemy

500/500 tele

4200/6000 enchant

0/500 graveyard - i'm 10hp so i'll do this later =P


i dont understand it at all tbh


it would be great if u could make a guide on mage training arena, fastest way


My guide wouldn't be as good as this one =P


That tells you the fastest way. Basically i'll generalize it.

For Alchemy, there's a method, that the guide shows you (alch the 30gp items)

For Telekinetic, use the corners of the maze, as you can be anywhere on a certain side to move the guardian to that side.

For Enchanting, if your 57+ mage, world hop and enchant the dragonstones using the highest level enchant you can. Otherwise, just enchant the bonuses.

For Graveyard, use the guide, i'm not experienced with it.


yea i was thinking about doing that, but mta boreds the shit out of me.


I used to do mage training arena when books were 4m and got myself 19m mage xp. It's way boring but the money is nice.


Yup, and it's really not that bad, just do a little of all of them and repeat.

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