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New Rs 07 Boss


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Out Of Ctrl

Did he just dream this shit up? Hope it doesn't get put in.

num ber one

Making a main for the inevitable PvM content that will be introduced to 07. This sounds like it could be fun... Love PvM'ing whereby people cannot rely on gravestones to PvM


lets all get 30 def so we can tank for days and camp until we get good loots


If this actually comes out I feel like it would add so much more fun to the game


Really cool idea would like to see it added, but the voiders and the range cape, and then if a d c'bow has a special attack anything like the zaniks crossbow or hand cannon, kiss yourself goodbye haha


In my opinion, Ice cape sounds better than water cape, just makes me think of a wet back... haha!


i want gwd bitches

agreed, but I don't think it will ever happen :c

  • 9 years later...

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