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Why Runescape is "Gay"


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1. Cant play with friends when they come over

2. Graphics

3. Takes months to train/quest

4. Takes months to pk comfortably

5. Cant teach someone how to play

6. Almost everything dependent on luck

7. 1 Lag Spike can Negate hours of progress

8. Jagex

9. Have to grind everything

10. Unstable economy

11. Repetitive

12. Communication based on text.

Feel free to post so I can add to list


Honestly, great points here..LOL

Posted (edited)

Honestly, great points here..LOL


Edited by notbutplay
Pixel Pigeon

disagree, you're just lazy


disagree, you're just lazy

Really nub i got 45-->51 agility and did Regicide


i like shitty graphics 1 thing i dnt want to change


i wouldnt say "Gay" is the right word for this but yea i understand where your coming from.


Graphics should not change, everything else I agree on


you say jagex are gay, lets be honest yes they have made some shit decisions by implementing EoC into the game but without them Oldschool runescape wouldn't be here.

Str in sara1

i only play for pvp purposes i dont play to kill monster i just like the fighting vs another person experience that takes skill/ knowledge (clanning). unlike other games like shooting games that you just run around get shot in the head and restart.


i think i am just growing too old to play runescape legitly LOL


Agree on one thing: 5. Cant teach someone how to play


Honestly, great points here..LOL

Out Of Ctrl

Some points are right, some are wrong.


Runescape is an introvert's game.


isn't everyone jono ?


Honestly, great points here..LOL

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