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Types of Pure Videos.

Paroxy Pure

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Paroxy Pure

I'm thinking of doing some more videos on my pure, and I just wanted to know if anyone has any ideas for types of videos?


Obviously there is the basic pk video/montage, then the pk commentary, but you can really extrapolate those into sub-sections.. like I'm thinking of doing a rags to riches video and the such.


So yeah, any ideas for pure videos which are kind of based around pking?

Maybe stuff like trying to get a staffwhack KO?


anyway, thanks for viewing.


pking with cam on naked with irl reactions wuld be a good place 2start

Paroxy Pure

pking with cam on naked with irl reactions wuld be a good place 2start

hmm... you've given me an idea of a scare video, so I do pking and just when I'm about to kill the guy something pops out? 

Maybe like a nude gnome or some shit!

Thanks! :D


always been a fan of pk vids which have a bit of everything: multi pking (clan fights), hybriding, using different/unusual combos, tanking. 

1 item unit

pking with cam on naked with irl reactions wuld be a good place 2start


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