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Crystal Bow/ Anchor

Bitter Cold

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Is Crystal Bow worth getting? what is so good about it? It seems to be slow to me and hits consistent 20's, but magic shortbow does too and it's faster.


Also I've had anchor on previous accounts, is it worth getting? or are the skill reqs not worth doing for it... I guess it's debateable.

Storms Arrow

The issue with crystal bow and comparing it to the msb is that you need to protect item the bow. Whereas you do not with the msb, and can take higher level stuff such as glories, mystic etc without worrying to lose it. Karils bow is a better comparison and its far superior to the crystal bow.


Anchor quests give prayer exp, so you should always get it before 52 prayer! unless you plan on going higher.


Do you know want your account to be complete?


That's really all it is + if you castle wars then it's fun to use


anchor yes. even if you're already 52 prayer 53 does nothing.


cbow is worth it :) i dont like anchor tbh.


I'm only 45 prayer, and yeah i planned on getting anchor. I was iffy about Crystal Bow, but i figured I might as well to achieve all pure items for shits and giggles.


I'm not big on anchor, I use to have one they are fun to pk with anchor to gmaul combo.. I just want to make a vid with several combos other than just the normal d scim to dds, and normal hybrid (barrage, r cbow, dds)

Str in sara1

cbow is way better always use cbow during trips for higher hits=faster kills


Do you know want your account to be complete?


That's really all it is + if you castle wars then it's fun to use


I have neither, fuck it yolo


Crystal bow, not worth it


Anchor is only useful for edge, if you want it go for it.


Anchor only good for 1v1 pking tbh crystal bow pretty decent but like every one said above Cbow hits higher n a Karil is pretty good as well since its faster n hits stack up faster. Plus the questing for crystal is brutal. But at the end of the day it's your account.


Most of the people saying Crystal Bow isn't worth it don't even have it. If you feel like doing the quest do it and find out yourself. Makes me angry when people make these pointless topics. Do research on your own and then try it out yourself. Pretty much everyone that replies has a different opinion anyways. 


I've been debating on getting anchor I'm only 45 prayer, it would be a nice addition to my account it's a fun weapon to use.


In my opinion I would only get it when your super bored or you have some money that you can pay someone to finish the quests.


Not even that big of a difference from MSB, half the time while using the MSB you'll find rune arrows on the ground in a fight, shouldn't be that bad.


Is Crystal Bow worth getting? what is so good about it? It seems to be slow to me and hits consistent 20's, but magic shortbow does too and it's faster.


Also I've had anchor on previous accounts, is it worth getting? or are the skill reqs not worth doing for it... I guess it's debateable.

if ur like me be lazy as fuck


what does crystal bow hit ? (max)


i think 22-23.


Wouldnt push myself to get it, If you have time on your hands you might aswell get both.


the quests are easy and the reqs aren't even that bad except 52 agility. Cbow is fun to use but anchor oh lawwwwwwd it is fun as fwuark at edgy with g maul combos and definitely worth getting. I get really ocd with my accounts so ive always gone out my way to get quest reward items even if they are useless


all i remember is ultra taking msb and titan on trips and getting most kills


no boots


Full Cbow is 2xstronger than msb and stronger than it with rune arrowsuntil it is 2/10. After 4th recharge it costs 72gp/shot so cheaper than msb and no arrows needed (:

Anchor is good 1v1 but sucks for trips just incase you didnt know it weighs 30kg so your run will deplete fast not good for bridding/huggiqg/returning


C bow in the long run will cost you less 

anchor is sometimes a good combo and is fun to use

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