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70-80 Range?

King Dwaine

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Sup wondering wheres a good place to train 70-80range? cant go to mm tunnel.


Can you please write down below a good area/what i should use/roughly how many of the specific item i will need.

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You could use cannon at rock crabs, or just train normally at experiments using knifes or msb and arrows, or even chin at bandits(only if ur smoking rich)

I would suggest you train at experiments. Goodluck.

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Storms Arrow
  • Knives at caged ogres
  • Knives at experiments/rock crabs
  • Dragons(blue/green)
  • Skeletons under shilo with grey chins

I don't suggest using cannon ever simply because range is the best way to get hp levels and cannon takes that away. You can use knives at bandits to semi-afk but i dont suggest it till later as its a waste with your range level


edit: also knives can be replaced with msb if youre poor.

Edited by Storms Arrow
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Yep, chins bandits with money, knives if not that much money.



I am using like all my money on mage now, even with shitty 72 range lol. I will eventually have to skill or attempt to merch to buy p pots/knives for ranged.

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Should i caged ogre my 15k knives or experiments?

if you have 15k of them just go to bandits or if your not spending money on ppots go to experiments. 

make sure you have avas aswell. 

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Should i caged ogre my 15k knives or experiments?

if you have 15k of them just go to bandits or if your not spending money on ppots go to experiments. 

make sure you have avas aswell. 


Alright thanks mate, havent got the money to spend on p pots while training range :/

Can you give me a approximation on how many pots i would need if i was to use 15k knives?

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I also finished mm assuming jagex was going to pass that poll. 

I'm just afk iron knifing bandits. Exp isn't terrible + you can afk.

Don't want to miss out on any hp exp. 

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