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Last stop, range. Need advice/opinions:)

420ft High

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Hello guys, 420ft High here!

Recently got 99 str, and a month ago got 99 mage!:) Last stop for maxed 1 def, range! (and ofc hp).


*i've gotten 99 range twice, once in 2008 and once 2010ish, both chinned at ape atol(after we had the option to go back) First time was on my old main, second on my zerker, but I was 20 def till 95 range, then went full zerk->99 range after. 


Now, I am 77 range iron kniving at bandits. I drained my bank getting 99 mage, gg 36m and then another 18m or so on 99 str (pots+gear). I can make money, it's not a huge problem so don't let money affect your advice. 


I know there is Shilo skellies, but i have never tried this before. Would this be the fastest exp? Cause i'm not down to get 99 range again with slow exp:l fast exp or no exp! 



If anyone can give me advice as to the exp rates, places to range etc, it would be MUCH appreciated:) thank you!!



Current stats





just knive bandits chill as fk mate


I don't mind the afk haha, takes my mind off cb.. that's for damn sure!


wait...you can't chin at ape atoll? make money and chin idk

Storms Arrow

I did shilo to 99 and it was the fastest no doubt but you cannot afk it. You have to constantly be clicking/moving around. At 95ish range i was getting 120k/h exp. It cost me around 10m. Probs a few mil more at todays chin prices(i used grey chins).

Str in sara1

just knive bandits chill as fk mate


train ur range on noobs in the wild


Shilo skeles are very tedious and annoying, because you have to round them up each time and set them up. really annoying. if you can afford it just afk at bandits that's not bad at all honestly, it'll be much faster around 85+ range. that's probably your easiest/quickest bet


I chinned 85-99 range at bandits (afkable). If you got the money, yolo it like i did


Chin at Shilo if you have the money/time and motivation, if not then I recommend just knives at bandits.


Good luck on your choice


Thanks everyone!:)

I've been knifing bandits since 72, got 77 last night. I'm probably going to stick to bandits for a little bit because when I'm playing rs I need to just afk anyways and not let training drive me crazy lol. Gotta stick with it and just get it!  


just knive bandits chill as fk mate


knives as bandits sounds legit.


Still knifing haha all i do is afk for right now

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