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Posted (edited)

I want some serious Opinions about Nidalee


I played her alot in S2/early S3 and it was sooo good but now i feel like she is not Top Tier anymore.

Sure i crush most Champs in Laning but im just sht in Teamfights - other Top Lanes scale so much better into Late

What do you think? Nidalee Top or Flop :D

Edited by 33th

Only way I like nid is full class cannon ap for the poke and even then she isnt that great compared to other, lack of cc is her downfall but shes still fun to play


I only play nidalee as an AP champion. Max out the burst on her spears and the heal. And then work as a sniper/poker and heal ad carry :) Realy good in a poke based team :) 


fuck off these forums you little scum bag


Jayce does everything she does but better


nid is good anywhere if you're good playing her anywhere


whether ap or bruiser ish top lane


nothing more to say


Only way I like nid is full class cannon ap for the poke and even then she isnt that great compared to other, lack of cc is her downfall but shes still fun to play


I prefer her ad bruiser top with iceborn gauntlet for that slow

Posted (edited)

Nidalee is one of my top played champs I play her as top/mid she is very versatile build-wise.

But the main items I build every game with her

Top- rush iceborn and I focus on a tanky build

Mid- rush tear of goddess > normal boots > rabadons > blasting wand> sorcerers boots> archangel staff (SE)

Nidalee's heal is op and the cd on her q is insane. She can escape very easily from fights. And when I play her mid I roam top-bot to help.

I play on eu west/east if u want to play sometime. Tell me if u got any further questions

Edit: in teamfights I use tiger form and I focus on healing adc when in normal mode (also throw a spear from a distance)

Edited by Wally1337

i always play her put me mid and i win Full ability power untill lvl 18 and rape with the spears ull be hitting 1300 each spear and shit it will win you the teamfights getting them low hp ;)


Never played her but Im tempted to try as he spear looks op.

I play a fair bit as lux, I enjoy her for her snare and what not, can nidalee freeze?


Never played her but Im tempted to try as he spear looks op.

I play a fair bit as lux, I enjoy her for her snare and what not, can nidalee freeze?

Nope she cant thats why she is never seen much in competitive play, lux is better than nid in my opinion as you have a lot of utility so you still have use even if you fall behind

nidalee bruiser top the bast



Never played her but Im tempted to try as he spear looks op.

I play a fair bit as lux, I enjoy her for her snare and what not, can nidalee freeze?

Nope she cant thats why she is never seen much in competitive play, lux is better than nid in my opinion as you have a lot of utility so you still have use even if you fall behind


I like lux, I find I can do well with her at the start, but then I find her to be a bit of a 1bang, trying to play better with her though as I always seem to go negative with her and have like 15 assists :(


well what i think about nidalee is if you only build ap on her she dies easy in a team fight or 1v1 so i build iceborn guanlet to give her some tank and she rapes



Jayce does everything she does but better



I would main someone else, late game she's rubbish. I don't like sniping, I like going in and going HAM




Never played her but Im tempted to try as he spear looks op.

I play a fair bit as lux, I enjoy her for her snare and what not, can nidalee freeze?

Nope she cant thats why she is never seen much in competitive play, lux is better than nid in my opinion as you have a lot of utility so you still have use even if you fall behind


I like lux, I find I can do well with her at the start, but then I find her to be a bit of a 1bang, trying to play better with her though as I always seem to go negative with her and have like 15 assists :(


your positioning is probably bad then 

Posted (edited)

Ye well i left LoL for like half year and im currently Plat 

I just rememberd back when Stanley played her at S2 Worlds and ofc the old HotshotNidaleeGG in S1/early-mid S2 was pretty impressive

I usually build Gauntlet and stuff on Nida but the Point is that if u go that way you cant do sht in Teamfights cause you have to go in w/ Cougar to deal Dmg

As Ap Nid you have no Probs you can just sit back and quickly disengage and throw some spears since most SoloQ Teams have no idea how to deal with Poke Comps you will just win cause the Enemy team starts a Fight with 1/2 HP.

Just curious since i have like 500~Nid Games (Top mainly)

I should maybe go and main s1 else since i really hate to lose to a Trundle 1v1 when im 50cs/2 Kills ahead :D


Thanks for some Opinions but like 70% of these Posts are just total Trash

Edited by 33th
  • 2 weeks later...

omg i hate the nidalee b*tch so much trowing her stupid spear all the time


my opinion is that she has to die

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