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Final Pures ~ Opening (30 Def)


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Fi ranks have had over 30 def for over a month,so nothing new lol


So sad that I've 99 magic already, would've profited to 99 even moreso with all this addy i'm gonna be getting


and i remember when 'pure' was 1 def...


when turmoil was out ok, but now its just pathetic




Look at you all... Flaming a clan that hasnt even opened yet.

Its not the requirements of the clan that matters.

Its the attitude of their leaders/members.

I know for a fact they have a strong leadership (not saying every single one, but in general).

Good luck to the Future Pures, hoping to see a lot of you :)

Maybe we launch a joint midweek sometimes if you are interested.

They have a strong leadership true, but the fact they are accepting 30 def is pretty bad.

It killed the pure community last time round and this was our chance to rebuild and I don't see why people need to get 30 def as pures. Ruins the game and pure clanning.

But yeah goodluck to Final Pures

What? Fi an tlp were 30 def back in 05+.. Had nothing to do with pure community.. It was the over powered spec weps an turm that ruined the pure community cause every faggot that couldn't pk just rushed all day non stop.

Goodluck with the opening!!! just hope this doesn't cause faggots to wanna vote turm for 07 severs


Barley any tlp, eop and fi had 30 def, they never included it into there requirements, ranks didnt encourage it. Now you have clans changing requirements to it for no reason. People will follow, just like everyone followed when clans started getting 30 def for turm. No need and pretty dumb

Posted (edited)

Looking at their memberlist, looks like they did it because of their rank 2 Senior Member.

# Name CMB Att Def Str HP Range Pray Mage

[#2] F1nal Strike 99.98 99 30 94 93 73 52 68


And he cant brid in that account, thats a main :p

Edited by zas

guy are getting so serious @ internet  :ohmy:

Posted (edited)


Edited by OG Mortz

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