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Ow 3 Hit

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Nice one.

I lost 30M in alchs once, not on a PVP world though, from a random, and I wasn't even AFK  ;)

I once lost around 200m to a random. Unlucky mate, that sucks.


What did the guy get?

He got a glory and like 90k junk.


Good fight autoer.

Gage-Nz Bloods

badluck bro :(

Kiid Ownage

lololololol i would never alch in pvp now hearing this. unlucky bro, and good luck making more cash :D

hunt godlink

Gl w/ aviansies

De La Rue

Why are you alching in a danger zone?

I wasn't. I was standing just outside of the danger zone, I'm guessing I didn't click my autoclicker off in time. But I turned it off, while my screen was frozen. And then I just waited for 30 seconds. And was in lumby.

Got wide-eyed, laughed. And then said "fuck..."

And now I'm somewhat mad.

Why where you alching in PvP world?  (n)


Damn dude. At this point, Sefket would be going, "Omfg! Fuckin noobz0rs gtfo me! I'm gonna fuckin keel you nerd! nerd! Nerd! NERD!"


Why are you alching in a danger zone?

I wasn't. I was standing just outside of the danger zone, I'm guessing I didn't click my autoclicker off in time. But I turned it off, while my screen was frozen. And then I just waited for 30 seconds. And was in lumby.

Got wide-eyed, laughed. And then said "fuck..."

And now I'm somewhat mad.

Why where you alching in PvP world?  (n)

Answered this already. I was watching fights? There's tons of autos going on in PVP, about 80% of them are auto-clicking. I was an idiot for not using it. I wanted to go on other screens, lulz.


That sucks, maybe you should learn how to play runescape and things like that wouldnt happen.


That sucks, maybe you should learn how to play runescape and things like that wouldnt happen.

Good one. Maybe you should learn how to GTFO.


dang man that sucks :l not much oyu can do about it but just earn it back lol

Gl earning it back man <3

kiid insane

damnn id be pissssed think of it as nearly loosing an ags pvping im sure its happened to plenty of people, good luck earning it back tho dude =D


Lol unlucky, gl making it back.


=[. have fun at avansies =D


Lol that sucks. Thats why i never alch near the wild


lol that stinks man.

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