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State of the Game


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Posted (edited)

Hi all,


I was one of the original members of FOE.  Haven't played runescape in probably over 4 years. I originally started playing back in beta before 2001 and had one of the first ever pures back in the day when you could pk anywhere and there were no level requirements for gear.


I logged back in recently and the game seems very unfamiliar.  PurelyIronic is now level 85 where he used to be like lv 56 (with 80 range, 80 strength, 80 magic, 1 def and 1 prayer)


How does the new level system work?  Does magic and range count towards more combat levels regardless of where your melee stats are?


Is Pure pking even viable in RS3?  


is RS3 more or less fun than it was a few years ago prior to the lock down of the free trade economy (the reason I quit the game)?

Edited by Purelyironic

nah, Foe is based in 07rs, you have to be a member to play that, its a server they created on runescape itself, everything is the same as back in 07, but there are updates comming which the players can pick how to change the game !


I like it


Hope I gave you enough info :)


And there is no point of being a pure at all in rs3!


nah, Foe is based in 07rs, you have to be a member to play that, its a server they created on runescape itself, everything is the same as back in 07, but there are updates comming which the players can pick how to change the game !


I like it


Hope I gave you enough info :)


And there is no point of being a pure at all in rs3!

Sad to hear that the pure community is being forced into playing a different version of the game.  The problem with that is eventually they get rid of it.  I say this because I used to have runescape classic accounts but it doesn't appear to exist anymore.


Why is there no point of being a pure in rs3?  what updates made pures useless? 


no one plays rs3 here its basically impossible to be a pure in rs3 now all pures play 07 


no one plays rs3 here its basically impossible to be a pure in rs3 now all pures play 07 


Even though it's a different version of the game it's very popular by all clans and even new clans starting up and teams, easts is full of hybrids, edge is full of all sorts of pkers.

Posted (edited)

Nobody plays rs3 or EoC as its impossible to make a pure now, everything requires 40-50 def.

Everybody has moved to 07scape or Battlesuck.


On 07:


How does the new level system work?  Does magic and range count towards more combat levels regardless of where your melee stats are?


- At a low level, yes. They do contribute but as you start to raise your melee stats the more you will have to level range/mage to level combat, until eventually you are melee based and mage/range will not affect your cb.


Is Pure pking even viable in RS3?  


- Pure Pking is still pretty popular, especially around the 50-70 combat range, 80+ is busy but mostly zerkers and voiders. Bridding is still pretty popular but not as big.


is RS3 more or less fun than it was a few years ago prior to the lock down of the free trade economy (the reason I quit the game)?


- I enjoy it, I wouldn't say it was as fun. I personally don't like the community as much. The game itself is decent, needs a few updates though. Not enough to do!

Edited by `Callum
Posted (edited)

i can't stand 07

Edited by Kyle

Omg I keep logging into all my old accounts and everytime I have to watch this embarrassing cut scene.

Posted (edited)



Old Recovery Questions.  I probably don't even remember the answers


Haven't logged on to this guy in over 5 years.


Edited by Purelyironic
Posted (edited)

must be a shock to see what the game has become lol

Edited by OG Mortz

must be a shock to see what the game has become lol

Ya, but it's good to see that the game continues even after all these years.



must be a shock to see what the game has become lol

Ya, but it's good to see that the game continues even after all these years.


to many people's surprice.


This vid might be able to fill in the gaps you've missed.



RuneScape Historical Timeline 1998 - 2012





must be a shock to see what the game has become lol

Ya, but it's good to see that the game continues even after all these years.


to many people's surprice.


This vid might be able to fill in the gaps you've missed.



RuneScape Historical Timeline 1998 - 2012



Wow... the Gowers left in 2010.  No wonder the game has changed so much...


That video made me very sad.  





must be a shock to see what the game has become lol

Ya, but it's good to see that the game continues even after all these years.


to many people's surprice.


This vid might be able to fill in the gaps you've missed.



RuneScape Historical Timeline 1998 - 2012



Wow... the Gowers left in 2010.  No wonder the game has changed so much...


That video made me very sad.  



1 defence is not efficient in rs3

highest combat stat (range/mage/strength) +defence + 2 is you combat level

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