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EuWest Duo Q Silver-Gold Team


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Posted (edited)

Current Standing: Gold Division V

Ranked Games Won: 16

Ranked Games Lost: 2


So i recently hit lvl 30 on my smurf and won 8/10 provisional matches so i was placed in Silver 1. Would have won 9 but 2 premades went afk :C


My main on Eu East was in gold 3 but i quit for 3 months once osrs came out I stopped playing, so they dropped me down to silver 1.



I'm looking for someone who is well experienced and interested in playing duo q ranked games often with Ts/Skype. I am experienced with all lane roles except adc. My prefs. however are top/support


Maybe if i find a group of Foe members who are within the silver-gold division, we can form a team. (on Eu West).


For those of you wondering why I havent made a thread on LoL recruitment forums, I have and I found only 2 people worth playing with. (Many 15- year olds and unskilled players).


Would be nice to play League with members of Foe :)



Note: If you are on EuWest and you havent reached level 30 or arent in the silver-gold division feel free to post your IGN, we can play normals sometime 




Edited by Wally1337

Yo I'll play some. "Flawless shot".


Add me - Farmoil ad/mid main dnt got mic atm but if u want some games hit me up

Posted (edited)

Add me - Farmoil ad/mid main dnt got mic atm but if u want some games hit me up


This but ImDeltz


Top main

Edited by DeltaPapa

Add you all, Already got u added Farmoil


Lol duo with farmoil instalose


I'll join, but only if it's ranked team. Could boost a 5v5 ranked team to Diamond, like me and my friends did and just sell diamond spots for Season 4.

Add my accounts for now: Playing, Playing V2, Majkaan


gameisbs on eu west pretty new but enjoying it

Posted (edited)

add andr00


jungle/mid main

says ur name doesnt exist

Edited by Wally1337

add andr00

jungle/mid main

says ur name doesnt exist

Hes na and bad and bronze as fk

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