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Remembering everyday of their lives


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america stopped hitler 

america on 1 side russia on the other




we were months late but who blew their own head off and who wound up becoming a super-power. LMFAO


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america stopped hitler 

america on 1 side russia on the other




we were months late but who blew their own head off and who wound up becoming a super-power. LMFAO




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R.I.P to the millions of civilans killed in the middle east by Freedom

that has nothing to do with this topic stay on topic please.


American Propoganda at it's finest.

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R.I.P to the millions of civilans killed in the middle east by Freedom

that has nothing to do with this topic stay on topic please.


American Propoganda at it's finest.


Not really if you look at the statistics it's not even in the millions

~120k-160k in Iraq from the start till now and that's including deaths from insurgents too. 

It shows a total range of at least 110,591 to 120,816 civilian deaths in the whole conflict as of December 12, 2012.


Last year's figures bring the total number of civilians who have lost their lives in the armed conflict over the past six years to 14,728. Tha'ts for Afghanistan and the death rate has dropped 9% and nope it isn't from American websites it's from Wiki and lots of others have put the number around the same. Lots of them die to ied's placed by insurgents and car bombings/suicide bombings. But all the civilian deaths were caused by the US right? Those guys will throw their own family/random civilians in front of them as shields when fighting. Inb4 propaganda, sheep, or some article posted by infowars.com/alex jones lol.

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