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Dantes Claws: Stats And Achivements .


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Username: Dantes Claws

(Feel Free To Add Me)

Hey . I'd like to start off by saying, I am hoping to apply for FOE eventually .

[X] DT Completed
[X] 60 Strength
[ ] 50 Attack
[ ] 10 Summoning
[ ] 70 Magic
[ ] Addy Gloves ( 65/70 Cooking, Finished MM Prequests .)
[ ] 5m RSGP

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Currently: Wcing Willows In F2P, Because I ran out of membership.
Note: I will be P2P by tomorrow .

Stats As Of 10/21/2009:

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Nice :) keeping it up


keep it up. btw, why 10 summ? why not 52,68 etc. etc.


nice, but i suggest not to get only 10 sum for spider


add more pictures and crop them, but other then that, easy goals to get, i wish you luck.


Congrats there, stay 11 prayer and 1 summoning.


good shit, keep it up


not any really good stats but its a great account to build on and has potential. have fun training and enjoy it :D!


is it even possible to get addy gloves w/ 11  prayer? Cause of the MM tunnels. O_o


Thanks guys, and i'm not sure . It's just extremely difficult .

Carlos (loso)

keep it up and gl with your goals :)


Hey, thanks . BuMp . Still f2p :( Wcing it upp .

15k till 77 wc :)


BUMp, might play a bit later, busy atm .


Update: Currently training attack at fleshies, 43 attack atm . I'm p2p tom . Hopefully I can get close to 50 attack before I become a member. Also, once I become a mem I'm getting 100 zeals which will get me 60-68 str, plus the exp from pyrefiends wil lget me 70 str :) But 50 attack first .

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