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wat are flips?

pur3  poon3r

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heard people talking about it.. i dont know wat it is honestly :mellow:


It's a term used for a type of merching. In short its basically buy low sell high


its a bit more than buy low sell high (thats fundamental trading which is by fair the safest form of merchanting, best to do with a stable graph such as logs, essence and bowstrings etc).

however, flipping is kinda like educated guessing, with the help of the 30day and 5 day graphs.

more or less, once u know how to use the graph which could take up pages to explain (theres a whole bunch of guides on the rs forums)

u and a few very trusted buddies spend max an hour looking for a item thats has dropped significantly below its average price, this best works after a dumped item by 2lum or wefightge (well known buyout clans fyi :p) only if it is a item that is highly used such as guthan skirt (recently dumped) other than a lesser used item such as mind talisman which at one stage was bought out for sum stupid reason.

after u and ur buddies have found ur item u shuld usually put it in for a price that will make it rise but no go all out and buy max, coz u will loose profit after u have put in a price wait until the the grand exchange updates and see if the item has risen or dropped, now this is were u can bassically were u can gain 100k of gain a few mil, most people would sell there item here and take the 100k profit nice little profit but wats the point wen there is more money to be made, u need to keep track of the average price and u can sell the item wen it hits the average price, or sell it no more than 20% more of the average price to keep it safe.

after u have sold ur item repeat these steps and go get that first 100m that u have wanted it a nice start to a pure and getting a few 99s :p

i hope this little guide has helped u

as i said for a better understanding of looking at graphs and flipping look on rs forums in guides section helped me alot 

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