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New kid needs help


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So a few weeks ago i posted that i downloaded League of Legends.. I'm still playing but it's only getting harder as i got to level 12. I keep having shit games now while i was going on some nice killing spree's etc earlier..


So i've bought Vayne yesterday, thought it would be a sick champion, but it's a shit ass hard champion.. I've played Yi which is OK and Garen which i liked the most so far, but i'm not ripping shit up anymore as i'm up against more experienced players now..


Thinking of making a new account on League so i'm up against lvl 1's again right, and learn some more about the game etc.


So can anyone help me, advise/tricks etc anything?


Feel free to add me : WZAWZDB


- Marc


I main Corky and im level 10

Pixel Pigeon

You'll find player levels generally don't determine your level of skill. In some cases (like mine) even division in ranked doesn't determine you since I got slammed in b5 from qualifying thanks to constant trolls on my team while a friend of mine (who legit sucks at league) is s1.



Back on topic though, your problem probably isn't the champion - it's your build. You need to determine what suits your champion the best. You said you find Yi to be alright - rush a Ravernous Hydra (fuck if i know how to spell it) and a Youmuu's Ghostblade (should only take about 10-15 minutes straight killing minions). Once you have your ghost blade and Hydra all you have to do is E+R+activate Ghostblade (I use 2) and Alpha Strike/basic attack until you penta.



Another thing to take note of is what lane your in. While you can play any champion any lane - it's best for new players to stick with the whole Melee/Tank top, AP mid and ADC+Slave bot. As you become more experienced you should be able to do whatever you like.


just keep playing and learn the roles of the game and you'll be fine, learn positions where you need to be and awareness.

Pixel Pigeon

Vayne wins games.


I main Vayne but get so pissed off when other people build her off the Mobafire guide, pisses me off so fucking much, especially when they spend so much time relying on their tumble (which can be complete dog shit outside of 1v1 fights) and ignoring their stun. Not to mention that many people straight rush the boots+ BOTRK rather than a Vamp sc. + Shiv (seriously turns laning around so quick against champs that have a poke).

Posted (edited)

I'm like 100% new to League, so 50% of what yall saying am like wtf are they talking about.. I do understand that i have to last hit minions in order to get gold, tho i find this annoying as fuck but trying to do.. I autoattack cause am lazy.. And i understand  the main goal of the game is to kill other people's turrets/inhibitors and finally the Nexus..   And ye i do use mobafire shit, that site came up on google..


I just randomly installed League as everyone kept telling me to do so..


But your opponents are the same level as you right, or around that level.. As i dont understand why im not kicking ass anymore with Garen?


Also Vayne is being piled so easily, so i die quite often now as im still learning Vayne.. Whole team starts raging at you lmao.. Not used to going down so fast..

Edited by Marc

Vayne wins games.


I main Vayne but get so pissed off when other people build her off the Mobafire guide, pisses me off so fucking much, especially when they spend so much time relying on their tumble (which can be complete dog shit outside of 1v1 fights) and ignoring their stun. Not to mention that many people straight rush the boots+ BOTRK rather than a Vamp sc. + Shiv (seriously turns laning around so quick against champs that have a poke).

I agree with you. Mobafire LOL. I remember using that back in Season 1 LOL.

Rushing Blade is Fine if you know how to play her, I personally do that buying 1-2 Dorans blade though depending on the situation. Thing with Blade is that Vayne can 1v1 Pretty much anyone when she gets it, With the Final Hour + Tumble Stealth combo.

When it comes to Shiv, people underestimate it. It's perfect on Vayne.

Posted (edited)



Vayne wins games.


I main Vayne but get so pissed off when other people build her off the Mobafire guide, pisses me off so fucking much, especially when they spend so much time relying on their tumble (which can be complete dog shit outside of 1v1 fights) and ignoring their stun. Not to mention that many people straight rush the boots+ BOTRK rather than a Vamp sc. + Shiv (seriously turns laning around so quick against champs that have a poke).

I agree with you. Mobafire LOL. I remember using that back in Season 1 LOL.

Rushing Blade is Fine if you know how to play her, I personally do that buying 1-2 Dorans blade though depending on the situation. Thing with Blade is that Vayne can 1v1 Pretty much anyone when she gets it, With the Final Hour + Tumble Stealth combo.

When it comes to Shiv, people underestimate it. It's perfect on Vayne.


Can any of you guys give me a good build and a link to a guide on Vayne, as you guys say Mobafire is complete dogshit


I just read that Doran's blade - Boots - BoTRK - Infinity Edge - Phantom Dancer - LW is a good build - and then a defensive item like warmog's or so as last?

Edited by Marc

Vayne wins games.

I main Vayne but get so pissed off when other people build her off the Mobafire guide, pisses me off so fucking much, especially when they spend so much time relying on their tumble (which can be complete dog shit outside of 1v1 fights) and ignoring their stun. Not to mention that many people straight rush the boots+ BOTRK rather than a Vamp sc. + Shiv (seriously turns laning around so quick against champs that have a poke).

What the fuck are you even saying


Vayne wins games.

I main Vayne but get so pissed off when other people build her off the Mobafire guide, pisses me off so fucking much, especially when they spend so much time relying on their tumble (which can be complete dog shit outside of 1v1 fights) and ignoring their stun. Not to mention that many people straight rush the boots+ BOTRK rather than a Vamp sc. + Shiv (seriously turns laning around so quick against champs that have a poke).

What the fuck are you even saying

High elo talk, you wouldn't understand.


Dont think you could sound more like a virgin if you tried fkin newfag





Vayne wins games.

I main Vayne but get so pissed off when other people build her off the Mobafire guide, pisses me off so fucking much, especially when they spend so much time relying on their tumble (which can be complete dog shit outside of 1v1 fights) and ignoring their stun. Not to mention that many people straight rush the boots+ BOTRK rather than a Vamp sc. + Shiv (seriously turns laning around so quick against champs that have a poke).

What the fuck are you even saying

High elo talk, you wouldn't understand.




HELP ME INSTEAD OF SPAMMING GARBAGE.. Anyone got some tips/tricks etc..


Good build ?!


I'm thinking about Greaves - BoTk - PD - IE - DEF ITEM - LW


Vayne is amazing. 

Just keep playing with champs you like. Everyone's shit when they begin playing. Hell I'm still shit.

Posted (edited)

HELP ME INSTEAD OF SPAMMING GARBAGE.. Anyone got some tips/tricks etc..


Good build ?!


I'm thinking about Greaves - BoTk - PD - IE - DEF ITEM - LW

Boots rush is decent against champs like cait but also rushing your botrk is decent as well because a good cait will poke the fuck out of you so the lifesteal from vamp is nice so it's just preference but what I do is


Cutlass -> If by next back I have enough gold for botrk I buy that if I dont I get tier 2 boots -> then boots (if I buy Botrk) -> pd/shiv (depends on enemy team, if they have a shen I like buying Shiv) -> Lw -> defensive Item (You said warmogs in a post before, dont buy warmogs that Item is pretty terrible. I'd advise QSS, GA, banshees/randuins obviously it depends on the team comp if it's a full ad team you dont want to get banshees over randuins), IE


Also if you get forced out of lane or ganked and die picking up a extra dorans is better than getting a longsword because of the passive and stats the dorans gets so dont be afraid to pick it up


Also some people have said some shit about tumble being crap outside of 1v1, dont listen to that. Tumble is great for repositioning yourself during teamfights as well as moving into positions to hit your condemn into walls.

The way I team fight with vayne changes from enemy team comps, If they have assassins like zed or ahri etc you must expect the zed to be looking to ult you so be ready for it and as soon as he jumps onto you be ready to ult and tumble back and just proceed to kite him as well as you can, other times they may not have much dive threat and if you are fed enough you can just fuck shit up but if its even and you aren't crushing I like to keep my ult up just incase they jump on you because literally it's so hard to kill a good vayne when she has ult up especially in hectic teamfights



vayne is pretty rewarding champ when you get the hang of her so just get down the mechanics and you will be fine

Edited by Farmoil

Vayne wins games.

^ This since ''Nettan'' is a very good league player so i believe that if u buy that char u will rape everyone


Wut this nice net guy is gold 3 I thought he would be like diamond rof scrub idiot newfg


Idk postcount.


pls no

Posted (edited)

Dont think you could sound more like a virgin if you tried fkin newfag

High elo talk. You're like Silver mate.

Wut this nice net guy is gold 3 I thought he would be like diamond rof scrub idiot newfg

Gold 3? I'm pretty sure I'm over gold, last time I checked my account I was in another division.

Newfag? I'm pretty sure you started playing league like a year ago.

Acceptings 1v1s, GOLD 3 <3

Edited by Nice Net

Dont think you could sound more like a virgin if you tried fkin newfag


Posted (edited)




Vayne wins games.


I main Vayne but get so pissed off when other people build her off the Mobafire guide, pisses me off so fucking much, especially when they spend so much time relying on their tumble (which can be complete dog shit outside of 1v1 fights) and ignoring their stun. Not to mention that many people straight rush the boots+ BOTRK rather than a Vamp sc. + Shiv (seriously turns laning around so quick against champs that have a poke).

I agree with you. Mobafire LOL. I remember using that back in Season 1 LOL.

Rushing Blade is Fine if you know how to play her, I personally do that buying 1-2 Dorans blade though depending on the situation. Thing with Blade is that Vayne can 1v1 Pretty much anyone when she gets it, With the Final Hour + Tumble Stealth combo.

When it comes to Shiv, people underestimate it. It's perfect on Vayne.


Can any of you guys give me a good build and a link to a guide on Vayne, as you guys say Mobafire is complete dogshit


I just read that Doran's blade - Boots - BoTRK - Infinity Edge - Phantom Dancer - LW is a good build - and then a defensive item like warmog's or so as last?



Mobafire isn't specifically "bad", it's good for getting a base understanding of what to build on a champion but people follow it like an instruction manual



Sometimes I build depending what I'm laned against. Generally I start Dorans>Shiv(Or Scept first if I can't out-lane enemy adc's)>finish botrk(or a second scept to scumbag)>last whisper (seriously helps if a tank fucks with you, by level 18 you should be absolutely shredding armour with the silver bolts and that 30% ignore).> whatever else at that point.


Whisper is one of them items I only sometimes build on Vayne though, if their team has more than 2 tanks (Say, J4+Garen+Leona) it's best to get as much armour pen/ignore/true damage as you can since Vayne is one of the few ADC's that can headbutt a tank (and a seriously fed yi) and come out on top.



What you want to do early game is try and get the enemy ADC against a wall with your Condemn then follow up with a tumble (or Tumble into a position to Condemn into a wall) and have both yourself and your support throw everything at him while he's stunned, doing so SHOULD burn his flash or barrier (or both if you did enough) - best case scenario you scored a kill. On top of that, he shouldn't be able to farm (kill minions) and since minions are the absolute make or break for an ADC champion early game you want to get aggressive (within safe guidelines). Before making this choice though, left click the enemy champion and check his build (or open the list), if he got a dorans then you want to go balls deep on him early since he can't do anything to heal in lane and turret farming will be dangerous.



When the servers are back I'll make up a suggested build for you

Edited by Pixel Pigeon

Tbh I've personally learnt much more playing with and against better players. You're somewhat forced to gradually get to their level of game-play (mechanics, understanding your enemy's abilities etc) as you are faced with a challenge every game you play with them. Don't bother starting a new account, you won't learn as much as you will playing with good players.  :wink:


Also practice makes perfect, you may get sick of hearing this but it really is the truth. One tip is to never get mad and blame your team, but only blame yourself as it is very likely you could have played better and carried better. You won't learn from blaming others, but you'll learn a heckload from understanding what mistakes you made and how you could have performed better.


League is more difficult than most people presume it to be, just have fun and don't take it too seriously  :smile:


/end essay.



HELP ME INSTEAD OF SPAMMING GARBAGE.. Anyone got some tips/tricks etc..


Good build ?!


I'm thinking about Greaves - BoTk - PD - IE - DEF ITEM - LW

Boots rush is decent against champs like cait but also rushing your botrk is decent as well because a good cait will poke the fuck out of you so the lifesteal from vamp is nice so it's just preference but what I do is


Cutlass -> If by next back I have enough gold for botrk I buy that if I dont I get tier 2 boots -> then boots (if I buy Botrk) -> pd/shiv (depends on enemy team, if they have a shen I like buying Shiv) -> Lw -> defensive Item (You said warmogs in a post before, dont buy warmogs that Item is pretty terrible. I'd advise QSS, GA, banshees/randuins obviously it depends on the team comp if it's a full ad team you dont want to get banshees over randuins), IE


Also if you get forced out of lane or ganked and die picking up a extra dorans is better than getting a longsword because of the passive and stats the dorans gets so dont be afraid to pick it up


Also some people have said some shit about tumble being crap outside of 1v1, dont listen to that. Tumble is great for repositioning yourself during teamfights as well as moving into positions to hit your condemn into walls.

The way I team fight with vayne changes from enemy team comps, If they have assassins like zed or ahri etc you must expect the zed to be looking to ult you so be ready for it and as soon as he jumps onto you be ready to ult and tumble back and just proceed to kite him as well as you can, other times they may not have much dive threat and if you are fed enough you can just fuck shit up but if its even and you aren't crushing I like to keep my ult up just incase they jump on you because literally it's so hard to kill a good vayne when she has ult up especially in hectic teamfights



vayne is pretty rewarding champ when you get the hang of her so just get down the mechanics and you will be fine



Thanks man! Ye i'm understanding Vayne now, having some proper + kd games.. Hmm I'm taking IE after PD, cause i feel like attack is the best defense.. @ late game Vayne is just destroying everyone..

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