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Vayne wins games.


I main Vayne but get so pissed off when other people build her off the Mobafire guide, pisses me off so fucking much, especially when they spend so much time relying on their tumble (which can be complete dog shit outside of 1v1 fights) and ignoring their stun. Not to mention that many people straight rush the boots+ BOTRK rather than a Vamp sc. + Shiv (seriously turns laning around so quick against champs that have a poke).

I agree with you. Mobafire LOL. I remember using that back in Season 1 LOL.

Rushing Blade is Fine if you know how to play her, I personally do that buying 1-2 Dorans blade though depending on the situation. Thing with Blade is that Vayne can 1v1 Pretty much anyone when she gets it, With the Final Hour + Tumble Stealth combo.

When it comes to Shiv, people underestimate it. It's perfect on Vayne.


Can any of you guys give me a good build and a link to a guide on Vayne, as you guys say Mobafire is complete dogshit


I just read that Doran's blade - Boots - BoTRK - Infinity Edge - Phantom Dancer - LW is a good build - and then a defensive item like warmog's or so as last?



Mobafire isn't specifically "bad", it's good for getting a base understanding of what to build on a champion but people follow it like an instruction manual



Sometimes I build depending what I'm laned against. Generally I start Dorans>Shiv(Or Scept first if I can't out-lane enemy adc's)>finish botrk(or a second scept to scumbag)>last whisper (seriously helps if a tank fucks with you, by level 18 you should be absolutely shredding armour with the silver bolts and that 30% ignore).> whatever else at that point.


Whisper is one of them items I only sometimes build on Vayne though, if their team has more than 2 tanks (Say, J4+Garen+Leona) it's best to get as much armour pen/ignore/true damage as you can since Vayne is one of the few ADC's that can headbutt a tank (and a seriously fed yi) and come out on top.



What you want to do early game is try and get the enemy ADC against a wall with your Condemn then follow up with a tumble (or Tumble into a position to Condemn into a wall) and have both yourself and your support throw everything at him while he's stunned, doing so SHOULD burn his flash or barrier (or both if you did enough) - best case scenario you scored a kill. On top of that, he shouldn't be able to farm (kill minions) and since minions are the absolute make or break for an ADC champion early game you want to get aggressive (within safe guidelines). Before making this choice though, left click the enemy champion and check his build (or open the list), if he got a dorans then you want to go balls deep on him early since he can't do anything to heal in lane and turret farming will be dangerous.



When the servers are back I'll make up a suggested build for you


 Thanks alot for the good explaination.. I'm understand Vayne now, been reading a few guides on lolpro etc which helped alot to understand Vayne and alot of basic strategies in the game. Right now i'm building dorans - BoTK - boots - PD - IE - LW - DEF.. depending on the game tho, cause lately i could just be pushing and didnt need a def item really..



Tbh I've personally learnt much more playing with and against better players. You're somewhat forced to gradually get to their level of game-play (mechanics, understanding your enemy's abilities etc) as you are faced with a challenge every game you play with them. Don't bother starting a new account, you won't learn as much as you will playing with good players.  :wink:


Also practice makes perfect, you may get sick of hearing this but it really is the truth. One tip is to never get mad and blame your team, but only blame yourself as it is very likely you could have played better and carried better. You won't learn from blaming others, but you'll learn a heckload from understanding what mistakes you made and how you could have performed better.


League is more difficult than most people presume it to be, just have fun and don't take it too seriously  :smile:


/end essay.

Cheers man.. Yeah just playing games yourself, discovering the game and the champion is the solution. Thanks for your essay ^^


What's up man! The only way IMO to get better at the game and just knowing about different stuff in general is to play against more experienced players. That's the only way. Don't bother making a new account, you want to get that account to level 30 before the new season starts. Good luck on the game feel free to add me I'm silver IV :D


-- JacobSnakeUp 


just play runescape and always win

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