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Clanning on PVP Worlds?


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When PVP worlds are released, will clans likely use them for wars, hunting ect? I think it would be hella fun.


Nope, Wars will still be at Greaters, It will be a few people standing at varrock center like mindless idiots imo, Don't believe for a second it will make it more popular to pk.


Nope, Wars will still be at Greaters, It will be a few people standing at varrock center like mindless idiots imo, Don't believe for a second it will make it more popular to pk.

are you joking lol? Pking was at its funniest with full world slaughter feasts. I was pissed when they got rid of it.

wars in citys and places that people just pass by and don't think about, like barb village


i hope we will, barb village fights were the best


Pvp worlds were so much fun, we can only hope it brings back what it once did


I was never around for pvp worlds, I hope it lives up to the hype :laugh:


yh of course its gonna be fun, instead of fighting at gdz you can just fight whereever, makes everything less repetitive


yh of course its gonna be fun, instead of fighting at gdz you can just fight whereever, makes everything less repetitive

I'm so excited I could jizz

Honestly looking at the poll there's an option with something like "when you teleport, after you arrive at your destination no one can attack you and you can't attack anyone else for 10 seconds"


Does that look like a bad idea to anyone else? Gf returns? *Pvp in wildy returning at gdz* *arrives can't atk anyone for 10 secs* *zzzzzzz*


I could see this scenario ^ in many different places that you return with a teleport to


Was never around that era


Here are my views towards clanning in PVP. Its a very bad idea for clanning in PVP. 

Below points are all only in PVP. nothing in wilderness.


1) i have the the single/multi area zone all mastered out. It makes team/mains to snipe very efficiently during clashes/fights. Also making returning a piece of cake. Fights usually happens in Fally/Barbs/Southwest of old grandexchange. Noobs would teleport to fally and run back to barb and get sniped by hidden team.


2) Since its pvp. you can only attack +7/-7 of your combat only.[if im correct] Jagex only made it 15 combat levels difference. Which makes the high levels and low levels in Our clan weak.


3) Frankly speaking, unless our combat range are very close to each other. Clanning in PVP is bad. While teaming in PVP would be epic.


4) Speaking of fighting in barb village. there are quite a few high ground spots. where is SINGLE and yet you can clump people in multi. Which is bad for clanning unless. We were to master the spots at our palms.


PVP would provide lots of fun and new environment to pk in. I Hope they dont allow item protect to be used in PVP. which makes my 1 pray. More efficient :]


i hope we will, barb village fights were the best


Here are my views towards clanning in PVP. Its a very bad idea for clanning in PVP. 

Below points are all only in PVP. nothing in wilderness.


1) i have the the single/multi area zone all mastered out. It makes team/mains to snipe very efficiently during clashes/fights. Also making returning a piece of cake. Fights usually happens in Fally/Barbs/Southwest of old grandexchange. Noobs would teleport to fally and run back to barb and get sniped by hidden team.


2) Since its pvp. you can only attack +7/-7 of your combat only.[if im correct] Jagex only made it 15 combat levels difference. Which makes the high levels and low levels in Our clan weak.


3) Frankly speaking, unless our combat range are very close to each other. Clanning in PVP is bad. While teaming in PVP would be epic.


4) Speaking of fighting in barb village. there are quite a few high ground spots. where is SINGLE and yet you can clump people in multi. Which is bad for clanning unless. We were to master the spots at our palms.


PVP would provide lots of fun and new environment to pk in. I Hope they dont allow item protect to be used in PVP. which makes my 1 pray. More efficient :]


If I agree with all of your points will you give me 1/4th of your bank?


ready for the reality of it all?


edgeville w2 dies

pvp worlds get populated with the edgeville kids (mainly rushers)

multi-way pvp world areas are empty

clans still sit in lobby


That guy wrote an essay with an intro thesis body paragraphs and a conclusion



pvp worlds are lame, edgevile wil be less populated and also 302 wildy...


just give us clan wars and we are good


Nope, Wars will still be at Greaters, It will be a few people standing at varrock center like mindless idiots imo, Don't believe for a second it will make it more popular to pk.



Here are my views towards clanning in PVP. Its a very bad idea for clanning in PVP. 

Below points are all only in PVP. nothing in wilderness.


1) i have the the single/multi area zone all mastered out. It makes team/mains to snipe very efficiently during clashes/fights. Also making returning a piece of cake. Fights usually happens in Fally/Barbs/Southwest of old grandexchange. Noobs would teleport to fally and run back to barb and get sniped by hidden team.


2) Since its pvp. you can only attack +7/-7 of your combat only.[if im correct] Jagex only made it 15 combat levels difference. Which makes the high levels and low levels in Our clan weak.


3) Frankly speaking, unless our combat range are very close to each other. Clanning in PVP is bad. While teaming in PVP would be epic.


4) Speaking of fighting in barb village. there are quite a few high ground spots. where is SINGLE and yet you can clump people in multi. Which is bad for clanning unless. We were to master the spots at our palms.


PVP would provide lots of fun and new environment to pk in. I Hope they dont allow item protect to be used in PVP. which makes my 1 pray. More efficient :]


If I agree with all of your points will you give me 1/4th of your bank?



  • 3 weeks later...

Should be fun depending on how the pure community uses it.

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