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OSRS Update: Halloween+Death mechanics

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Death mechanics of how your loot will appear to others and being able to re-enter the gwd boss room.

Basically if you have 80kc, you go in boss room, 40kc will be drained but you still have 40kc remaining. If the world were to be ddos'd and you die then you can get back to gwd and still have the 40kc remaining to enter.

Just hope you have enough time to pick up your loot

Halloween & Death Mechanics


October 24 2013

Halloween masks are great, we all have a favourite colour - mine is red. Today, you get another colour Halloween mask to make the decision a bit more complicated. Talk to Diango in Draynor and if you can solve his hauntingly spooky problem by mastering the Ghostbuster 500 you will not only be rewarded with a black Halloween mask, but two red, green and blue Halloween masks, two pumpkins and all the other Halloween special event items.

In order to address some of the disconnection issues we have temporarily altered what happens when you die. When you die the items you lose on death will not appear to anyone for 3 minutes. For one minute after that, they will appear to the person who died and after that they will appear to everyone. The kill count of players will not reset when you leave the God Wars dungeon either. This will mean that if you have a kill count of 80 or more when you first enter a boss room, should you be disconnected and die you won't need to get your kill count again to collect your items.

Deaths resulting from PvP will be unaffected.

In other news:

Commander Zilyana is now more vulnerable to the freezing effects of ice spells and the Zamorak godsword.

Monsters in the God Wars dungeon that previously dropped medium-level clues have been upgraded to drop hard clues.

The welcome screen no longer displays the address from which you last logged into RuneScape. This was removed in order to help protect your online security.

Go here to discuss this update.


Black mask is quite fun.. I think they done quite a good job on GWD death mechanics, even tho we all would love to loot


Better than grave stones.


I don't think it matters you won't be back for your stuff, think it will vanish before you get back there

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