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Is it always like this? (edgeville talk)


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Hello fellow pure's,


i was kinda bored and said to myself lets go pk in edge, believe it or not this is my first pure i ever made

My pk set up would be full steel dd & a bgs.


Ive always taught that pures would be nice to eachother and ask for a fight, in staid of this insta rushing no asking 1 iteming bulshit.


even if i was unskulled i was getting d bow rushed... & getting barraged 


After 6 deaths i just logged off since there was no way i was going to get a clean fight.

Posted (edited)

Edge is all 1 itemers and rushers tbh...

Edited by Liv
Posted (edited)

I prob would've done same if I saw someone with a bgs in steel. Gives me the impression of a failed pure aka easy kill.

Edited by Trev|Low Bridd

Pretty much, the community is fantastic


edge pking is ruined in general


sorry but the title made me laugh.




edgeville is practically the breeding grounds for spastics ;/


2013 community in 2007


Things will get much better in PvP world's. But hopefully there will be more people pking by then.


Thats why we wait for the pvp world ;)


Its not always like that.


Everyone has a get rich or die trying attitude.


Everyone has a get rich or die trying attitude.

Posted (edited)

It gets a little Better as you get your cb higher.. Not much tho lol so just p-neck camp


Man there was a 119 one iteming with a Cbow yesterday, Edge is a fucking disgrace now, No wonder pking is dead as a fucking doorbell.


Tried pking yesterday (non skulled) Had 4 faggots one iteming me also, (AOL) (Crry) (Harrassing) (Perm ragger), Next time i'm in edge I won't forget my Rune cbow with emmy bolts.


Although I suggest Pking in edge at GMT times, Seems theres more childish people EST time etc.

Edited by Lubo

And that's why i'm joining foe lol


2013 community in 2007

Funny thing is that THIS GUY^ is one of the people that destroys edge. Camped me and Pete and the rest of the edgeville in his crystal bow 1 iteming for hrs.

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