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need help sorry if this is spam to general chat


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I need help with setting an ap ive already set one and someone said I needed to post it some where else and I posted it in application area if someone could contact me in-game im on atm add me 'mein ruhms' or pm me on forums ill be logged on for awhile



You need to download swift kit. And follow the instructions to set up Ur account. Talk to the leaders that are on in #finalownage.

Also have EVERYTHING YOU NEED READY BEFORE YOU START YOUR APP. I'm talking screenshots, stats, quests, returns. Everything.

When you're ready. Post it. And let ranks tell you what you need help on.

If you get declined. Its not the end. Get better and come back.

Hope that helped


just follow the process and you should be alright b


Get ahold of me on ts ill help ya.


try the application section ._.


not hard to miss u goober


This is a kid in game that randomly messaged me. He isn't trolling, he seriously has never done this before. He has no idea what ts3 is or Irc


Look at other people's apps, you need to post pics and stuff.


try the application section ._.


not hard to miss u goober



Look at other people's apps, you need to post pics and stuff.




but, looks like you posted what was intended as a introduction on the applications section. 




Is where you want to post.


First of post an introduction, tell something about yourself. Simply click on that link and post a new topic writing some stuff about you on rs/irl etc.


Then when you've read the sticky threads* in the application section you can make an application, make sure to look at applications made by others. You can pm me on forums or just reply to this post



*(sticky threads are the threads that are on top of the page in that section e.g. Rules etc.)

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